
Learning AI Shtuff

Started by November 16, 2004 01:15 PM
3 comments, last by irishcomputerguy 20 years, 3 months ago
Hey, I'm fairly new to the programming world, and I know a few things in C++. I don't really wanna learn C++, but I want to do AI stuff. Is there anyway I can do that without having to learn C++? And are there any good tutorials you can offer? Thanks
"All your base are belong to us"-Bad Translations
You can write AI in many programming languages, If you don't like C++ try C or Python or some kind of Basic, but you will probably need to learn to program. I don't know of any other way to impliment or utilize AI.

Edit: also LISP is often used in AI courses at universities, though I don't know why. There may be something about that language that is inherently geared towards AI. Also PROLOG might interest you.
I've been browsing online about AI, and I found something called "Lisp". I don't know if it's a programming language, or it's just some guy ranting on about AI. Have you ever heard of that?
"All your base are belong to us"-Bad Translations
LISP is an interpreted computer language which was adopted some time ago by the AI community. LISP stands for LISt Processing (In fact, that is how you program... using lists). It is very useful due to the ease with which it could handle symbolic logic, something that AI was really big into (this has tappered off somewhat as they also study other methods of intelligence).

I do not know that it would make a good game programming language though. It is also not necessary to learn it to be able to use AI. Any language will do for that.
Thanks guys. I don't know what language I'm going to use. Some people I know are make games, so maybe I'll get into C++, and VB looks fun too. My school doesn't offer C++, but they do give VB. Do you know of any good books or things to help me learn C++?
"All your base are belong to us"-Bad Translations

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