
Free tilesets?

Started by October 06, 2000 06:45 PM
3 comments, last by Leprosy 24 years, 3 months ago
Has anyone considered starting up a web page that people can post/trade free tilesets? Maybe some isometric / square textures that everyone could use in their game... Just curious Lep
I haven''t seen anyone mention something like you suggest, but I think you have a good idea. I''m sure some are way more talented in graphic arts then others and to be able to share ideas and tilesets would be interesting, not to mention a load of work being lifted. Just dont know how protective some are about their(or is it thier) art.

I have yet to really create a tileset yet but ill keep ya posted since i WILL be doing one soon.
i would very much like to see something like this.
im currently making a side scroller that uses tile graphics, and its future isn''t looking very good in terms of graphics

maybe if such a thing doesn''t exist, we could start one up ourselves?
just a place where people could submit tile art, kind of like the GDNet showcase
it would ofcourse be free but it might be a good way for people to popularise themselves

what you people think?
I think that would be extremely cool if people could post little thing like chairs, ground textures weapons and other assorted item that could be used in people making their games. At least I feel like alot of people get the programming done and then have noone who can do art, but im sure if everyone took the time to make a couple small things they might be able to produce something decent
This is a nice idea; I''m sure I''d contribute from time to time. Some planning is required of course, since not every game uses the same tile characteristics. Size and BitsPerPixel (mostly 8 and 16) would be the main one. Also, style would be a consideration... would they be more ''cartoony'' or ''realistic''. Some information like this would have to be attached to help narrow down what people are looking for. (Imagine that... programmers with too many gfx to choose from)

For 8bit (256 color) tiles, color usage would need to be listed. Obviously, it would be a hassle if the tileset used up all 256 colors. 8bit tilesets should specify how many colors they use (8, 64, 72...) and include these colors in the first color indecies (ie. 8 colors stored in indecies 0 - 7) It would be up to the programmer take this information and use it as he''d like. I''d be willing to create a tool to switch around the color indecies without changing the graphic, as it would be a handy-dandy tool for converting tilesets.

The tile size and shape would be a factor in sorting too. Square (@ 32x32, 64x64), 1:1 diamond (@ 32x32 etc...), 2:1 diamond, hex, triangles (?) and other assorted shapes.

Each tileset poster would have to recognise that they are donating for the benefit of programmers and themselves and not for $$$. The creator can leave notes with his/her work ("I used Photoshop... Total time: 3.25 hours... OK to modify... reach me @ If you get rich, buy me a beer...")

So: Let''s keep this idea alive and turn it in to something useful; it would definitely prove to be popular amoung GameDev''rs.

- The Tileset Creating Travois

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