Original post by infrmtn
I've always believed that, in general, whites are more intelligent than blacks and that blacks are physically stronger than whites. Is it true? Who knows. Of course you wouldn't see an unbiased answer on television, but that's quite obvious. There's always one side and then the other.
You have a poverty of consciousness and conscience that I do not envy. Your atavistic world view sounds like one of desperate value judgements and human beings scrabbling over the backs of each other. No wonder you'd rather play made up creatures and animals. I wouldn't want to live in that kind of cruel world either.
As far as I know, the list of mankind's greatest minds doesn't include all that many blacks, but maybe I'm just ignoring the facts and missing most of the black geniuses.
Your contention could easily be turned aside with a bit of research on characters like Mansa Musa, the Charlemagne of Africa, or by looking up black American inventors using google-- but you strike me as an intellectually lazy individual given to commiting the logical fallacy of gross generalization, otherwise you would have long ago error checked your beliefs-- so that can't be your aim. What is interesting, nonetheless, is to note your likely metric for so-called "greatness:" Conquest and science if one is a typical Eurocentric bigot. What is even more interesting is to note what such a metric ignores, in terms of global catastrophe, genocide, scientific atrocities, degradation of human values and war.
I think games can actually help in this arena. Once, it was difficult for whites to see blacks on television. That barrier was broken. Now we have games giving them an opportunity to identify with blacks by stepping into their shoes. The next step is to present positivist views on what it is to be black. In my game my objective is to present men and women in so many different positions of leadership that this sort of thing becomes natural. Hero becomes as likely to be black as white as brown as yellow as whatever, as does villian. It'll be one small way of breaking a negative cycle of media which some have swallowed hook, line and sinker.
So there's racial mixing.
Viva la futura! [smile]
It's true that you see more and more "white blacks" in, for example, America. They look totally different from the ones in genuine black countries. I think it's a shame people need to go and advocate others to mix races that have been evolving separately for so long. You take a good man from one race and a good woman from another, and you end up with an average kid with something from both worlds. You might get "golden" skin and whatever, but it's just not the same. I'd take pride in knowing that I'm 100 % Asian or Nordic or whatever instead of a mixed bag. But that's just me.
Good luck on the genetic analysis of your own purity. Unless you're Icelandic or some other such rarety, you've got alot of "impure" DNA in you.
In the game I'm building humans are so mixed petty differences such as you describe are as alien as tribal allegiances in Sumeria are to us now.
People should be able to feel proud of their heritage, much like they should be proud of their nationality.
Pride is great. Bigotry, of which your post and personal philosophy stinks of, is just pathetic.
About games... You tend to see a lot of white (and Asian) professional game developers, but I personally haven't seen all that many blacks.
Here's another hint that you're trolling: You claimed that there weren't that many blacks in swastikaland or whatever country it is that you claim to hail from. So why would you?
I don't know why that is or if it will change, but I'd be surprised if it did.
Prepare to be surprised. My next to last producer was black and Korean (had very cool eyes), the company sales VP for the internet games startup I worked at was black, the QA lead at the company before that was black, and that doesn't count the people from India, hispanics and other groups I've worked with... oh, yeah, and I'm black and white with a dash of this and that and have had 5 years of game industry experience.
Now, of course, the majority of people in the industry were not black, but then again, the way I see it, for a group that's only had its civil rights for a little over 40 years, all I see is steadily rising progress.
It depends on the culture you were raised in.
I fear for the children of your culture. Such a people who can only judge a book by its cover will have minds forever closed to a universe of wonder.