So how do you distinguish between (for example) Democrats and Republicans? Being a democrat doesn''t make you more evil and a republican (it just seems that way ). Using one variable for reputation abstracts out a lot of information that can be used here. I suggest using one variable for each moral set, meaning one variable for Charity/Greed, one for Passive/Agressive, etc. and build a general reputation value from that.
Hmm. I''ve developed an AI (but the project I was coding it for fell apart) which could distinguish that sort of thing on a rudimentary level, which made for more general rules that are easier to code and maintain.
The character would have, in addition to strength and dexterity and so forth, two personality ratings; the first is "Alignment", which is a similar concept; 0 is completely neutral, though most characters would fall to one side at least a little bit. Then negative numbers would represent "evil", up to -127 (most "evil") and positive numbers up to 127 for the most "good".
As you say, this doesn''t distinguish between two "good" people who may be Democrats or Republicans and not get along. Thus, I include a second personality rating, "Karma". Karma is an unsigned, unitless number, which simply serves as a general measurement of that character''s personality; when two NPCs/etc meet, the game compares their alignments first, and if they roughly agree on alignment, then it proceeds to check Karma. The closer your Karma rating is to that of another character, the more likely you are to "get along" with that person. You could think of it as a political scale, if you like; Democrats and republicans would be somewhere around 75 and 175, and totalitarian dictators and anarchists would be at 255 or 0. The benefit of the system is that it doesn''t have to simply be political systems, it can be used as a full personality catchall and hold a combined record of all aspects of the character''s personality, because it doesn''t need to store individual aspects, only generalities.
I don''t know if that made any sense. But I think you get the point.
| Thp :: Threep2742@worldnet.att.net
| "Nature uses only the longest threads to
| weave her patterns, so each small piece
| of her fabric reveals the organization of
| the entire tapestry." -- Richard P. Feynman
+------------------------------------------------| Thp :: Threep2742@worldnet.att.net| "Nature uses only the longest threads to| weave her patterns, so each small piece| of her fabric reveals the organization of| the entire tapestry." -- Richard P. Feynman