
any good x86 assembly programming books?

Started by September 16, 1999 09:17 PM
18 comments, last by TITAN 25 years ago
Try they have a few good asm tutorials
thanks a lot ill check that out
Mastering Turbo Assembler (Tom Swan) is a great read.


If you want to learn for DOS then I recommend:

The Revolutionary Guide to Assembly Language and Master Class Assembly Language.Both are by Wrox Press and are damn fine works with plenty of great examples.

As far as Windows in assembly there is only one book currently out there ... Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming by Barry Kauler. Unfortunately this is meant for Windows 3.1 not 9.X\NT platforms.

I am currently working on an outline for a Win32 ASM book. But, as of right now, the only resources are on the internet.

- Chris

thanks for the help i only program in dos so far using djgpp i am pretty much a beginner i would like to start programming for windows but i think i should practice more in dos i found something
seems helpful so far and its free so....

Writing assembly in Windows is FAR easier than anything in DOS. 80% of what you do is make calls to the API.

In DOS you have to worry about segments, and other headache causing stuff. In Windows the memory model is FLAT so you don't have those worries.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Unlike C, ASM sucks to learn on DOS and I have seen many people get discouraged by it, or start thinking that ASM is difficult. There is no valid reason for learning DOS ASM anymore now that DOS is dead. If you plan on using ASM for anything at all in the future I would suggest just learnign Win32 ASM.

Good Luck.

- Chris

yeah ill try win32 ASM but im not a master at c right now what things do you have to worry about when writing windows programs anything i should know before trying it out
Head over to this web site. It has numerous tutorials that you can check out.


I also have a series of articles for GamDev in the works, which are on game programming in Win32 ASM. They may be of use to you once they come out.

In the meantime check out the site and take a peek at how easy it is.

- Chris

thanks a lot cant wait for your articles
that site is pretty good i downloaded masm32 and tried it out still learning how to use it right now but it looks nice again....thanks for all the help everyone
what??? i am totally confused checking those tuts was my first look at windows programming you have to do so much extra stuff anyways bit do you have a web page?

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