
All kind of things.Linux related

Started by August 27, 2000 06:41 AM
16 comments, last by Jaxks 24 years ago
I´ll kick to my modems ...
Well it isn´t Winmodem(Or at least thay say so) I have tried all Wvdial ..... and five another programs Kppp doesn´t work anymore Well first pppd didn´t work due "Set version number to modules" in kernel config now it is i´ve got host.conf resolv.conf as my ISP says whole time.No it won´t work. Everything other works fine
or at least I think so. I look /var/log/messages says something like this pppd 2.2113 started by root(UID 0)
ppp0 device something...
pppd died(Or something similiar)
Reason was modem hangup(SIGHUP) and if I correct remember terminating on signal 15.
Well I started reading about makes but shouldn´t use Automake( for bigger projects)

BTW is it easy access parellel port with Linux "Look my post Accessing parallel port via windows".

Thanks from help you guys are ...

Has Gnome some sort of Kdev

*/Once man compiled kernel without ELF binaries ,modules were working fine.Were they?*/
BTW is it easy access parellel port with Linux "Look my post Accessing parallel port via windows".

echo "Hello parellell port" > /dev/whatever_the_port_is_called

Has Gnome some sort of Kdev

Can't you run KDevelop under GNOME?

Whats a good place to start linux system programming? Are the places that linux knows which programs open what sort of files like system registry sad and vunerable like the windos reg?

It's not "built in", but in GNOME (and probably other desktop environements too) you can set it so that, gif for example, always opens with GIMP, but that won't effect bash or csh for example.

Edited by - Muzzafarath on September 3, 2000 6:27:03 AM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
Dont think u can run kdevelop under gnome - it use KDE and Qt.
I don''t knoe if u can run QT under gnome, but even if u can
i think kdevelop still need KDE...
Well, if you've got QT installed, why shouldn't you be able to run an application using it under GNOME?

Edited by - Muzzafarath on September 4, 2000 10:18:49 AM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
KDevelop runs fine under gnome. There''s no problem there... But you should use EMACS instead. KDev is to heavy. I''d rather use a small text editor with color coding than KDev.

Anyhow, this is my opinion( and it''s just an opinion )...

Headhunter Soft
DLC Multimedia
[Cyberdrek | ]
I´ll bang my modem do you think there is something problem when I´ve upgraded Flash bios vith v.90 .
Yes with Q it works on Gnome and with GTK+ Gnome programs work on Kde

KDevelop runs fine under gnome. There''s no problem there... But you should use EMACS instead. KDev is to heavy. I''d rather use a small text editor with color coding than KDev.

EMACS? SMALL?? Vi is small!
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
XEmacs is very feature-heavy. I''d argue the opposite.



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