
All kind of things.Linux related

Started by August 27, 2000 06:41 AM
16 comments, last by Jaxks 24 years ago
Well I did and give it up and installed and Linux after looking around I just compiled Kernel(Several times to get stabble small perfect...).All is working fine and noticed that SDL is very nice I understood it after browsing few helps. But i can´t get PPPD to work ether script or Kppp i´ve tried it many times posted to linux messageboards but finally i haven´t got any answers i decided to ask here(Because I suppose you know LinuxHEH) well all documents except kmod.txt in Kernel 2.2.16 are written to KERNELD what isn´t anymore in 2.2.16. Well i make bsd_comp to module and PPP and other important net codes to Kernel.When i type ./pppd result is just blank line but dmesg(in kppp help) says pppd is "on".Kppp stucks to "Starting pppd" and after the timeout... .I just can´t imagine any other way than bsd_comp isn´t loaded or somehow not working do you think Kmod loads it or not automatically. I also tried several other dial programs but no. Is there program Visual-ppp someone recommende it to me but I didn´t find it form Freshmeat. Is Kdevelop worth of loading.Is it similiar to VC Is Gimp good. Is there any program profiler mentioned in article for linux.(Stupid question.of course there´s i´m so lazy that i won´t search for it) */Once man compiled kernel without ELF binaries ,modules were working fine.Were they*/
As for your ppp woes, check out wvdial and ezppp. Both i have used and found to be pretty easy.

>Is Kdevelop worth of loading.Is it similiar to VC

Haven''t loaded Kdevelop myself, and i haven''t used too much VC++, so i can''t really answer that question, but i will say that i''ve heard good things about Kdevelop. One thing i will say, though, is that you might better achieve Linux programming Nirvana by not searching for the one program that does everything, but by learning the group of tools that does everything you need. Then, if you still feel that you need everything in one place, with a little bit of lisp, you can make emacs your IDE (and this coming from a vim man! Oh well).

>Is Gimp good.

It''s good to have around. My major problem with it is the interface, which could use a complete rewrite, but i''m not really the person to do it. It''s not excessivly diffecult, but neither is it the most intuitive thing. It also has more of the feature set of Photoshop than Paint Shop Pro (more retouching tools than drawing tools), but that''s not all that limiting. Try it.

>Is there any program profiler mentioned in article for linux.(Stupid question.of course there´s i´m so lazy that i won´t search for it)

I don''t know if it was mentioned in any article, but the defacto profiler is gprof. Learn it well.

Just to give you an idea of what most Linux programmers setup is (though i''ve found game programmers are often the exception here. Probably because of their almost certain MSVC++ past):

vim or emacs for text editing
gcc to compile
gdb, xxgdb, or ddd for debugging
gprof to profile
cvs to store and distribute the code, and for bookkeeping

This setup can take a little getting used to, especially coming from MSVC++, but as i said, a skilled lisp programmer could embed all this into emacs with little diffeculty, and if you''re not that programmer, you can probably find him/her. Believe me, this setup is just as robust and powerful as you need it to be.


Crackpot Productions--
Senior Cracked Pot--
Crackpot Productions--Senior Cracked Pot--Benc
On the question of kdevelop... I've installed that, and it's
very simular to the microsoft vc++ work enviroment.

Here's a screenshot:

ps: the code u see in the window makes a small window using
the KDE library... as u can see, pretty simple to use... Kinda
like microsoft's MFC without the complicated shit heh.

Edited by - caracarn on August 28, 2000 4:59:16 AM
Ugh, my mistake.. It''s the QT library, not KDE library... again. the QT library.
Well I agree that it might be(Okey it will be) must for using Linux stuff first to understand whole thing calling to man pages I like so much Emacs,isn´t there any more grpahical way(Don´t say Xemacs,and there isn´t anything wrong in Emacs but I certainly don´t want use it) well I think there is no better Compiler/Linker than gcc,gdb I need then some tutorials about Makefiles(They are so weird from coming to windoes i look very long installing SDL.Now it works) and such stuff.
Well thanks anyway i try Wvdial.
Does emacs use lisp for scripting and is lisp difficult.
That sounds very nice using that way give me some advice or even source.
And finally is there some good linux book around.

*/Once man compiled kernel without ELF binaries ,modules were working fine.Were they?*/
I will answer all your questions with one answer as this is the only way to know, Try the programs and you will see... Kdevelop is a Microsoft Visual Studio look alike that DOESN''T have all the bugs VS has. Second, GIMP is good. Third, As for your pppd problems, you need to configure resolv.conf and host.conf accordingly. They are in /etc.


Headhunter Soft
DLC Multimedia
[Cyberdrek | ]
Jaxks: Get some Linux programming book as most of them explains the makefile concept. It is a verry simple concept even comming from a windows background( 5 years in win programming ). A good book is all you need. Second, Lisp is a scripting tool. It has it''s complications BUT, it can be easy if you know what you want to do and plan ahead...


Headhunter Soft
DLC Multimedia
[Cyberdrek | ]
"Lisp is a scripting tool"

Not really. It''s a full-blown programming language. But yes, it''s often used as an intepreted language and not compiled.
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I love my box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better still my box loves me>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Seriously. Where could I find examples of a driver that is simple and understandable ie /usr/local/dirforstuff_niceone.
Whats a good place to start linux system programming? Are the places that linux knows which programs open what sort of files like system registry sad and vunerable like the windos reg?
ie in reg
in linux linmime type
gif=gimp//where is this info stored?



Your voice is like a shining stone , my ears the sand drenched sea.
Your voice is like a shining stone , my ears the sand drenched sea.
Personally , I do not like kdevelop (even though I started from a vc++) enviroment , but when I started linux programming I did not have Kdev so there.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.

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