quote: Original post by EvilSteve
So I still don''t see how Everquest money is any less exchangable than a real world country''s money just because it is capable of devaluing under the exact same circumstances that a real world''s country''s money would devalue.
Oh, your thinking it totally correct, the american dollar would be worth jack if everyone wanted canadian dollars. What I''m getting at is that the only real world value any thing in Everquest has is dependant on who would buy it. Less and less everquest players, less and less people to buy things.
Note that in the real world, you could put everything you own in to a uhaul and drive it up to canada. In Everquest, you can''t take your possessions with you. They''re only of any worth within everquest''s world. If you can''t convert it to an american dollar (ebay) then the economic value of whatever it is in everquest you''re trying to unload is worthless.