
DirectDraw DrawText

Started by August 12, 2000 12:42 AM
12 comments, last by vbisme 24 years, 4 months ago
hey, what''s the DrawText function of DD, like what''s the parameters so i can use it, i forgot hehe
ok if you are not going of making fun of the person who anser you, there is the answer:


The DirectDrawSurface7.DrawText method draws text on the surface.

object.DrawText( _
x As Long, _
y As Long, _
text As String, _
b As Boolean)

Object expression that resolves to a DirectDrawSurface7 object.
x, y
Location on the surface to draw text.
Text to display.
Boolean value indicating whether to draw to the current cursor position. See Remarks.
Error Codes
If the method fails, it raises an error, and Err.Number is set.

To append text to the end of the last call to DirectDrawSurface7.DrawText, pass 0,0 as the x- and y-coordinates, and declare b as True. If you declare b as False, calling this method causes text to be displayed at the specified x- and y-coordinates.

i took that in the help of the sdk of dx7, then look there if you have it before asking question in the future, and, this is a function that is only implemented in visual basic, by the way, it uses the GDI to draw on a surface, if you want to do that in VC++, you have to do it manually!


what about text color?
that function doesn''t work, seem like you''re doing VB
DirectDraw''s DrawText only works in VB.

The road to success is always under construction
Goblineye EntertainmentThe road to success is always under construction
In C you have no DrawText function, but you could use the function : ID3DXContext::DrawDebugText; But this function just calls the GDI Text Output function, so that''s not the way to go. You''ll have to write your own text function(if you want to render text and not just debug output)or wait until DX8(hopefully they will have a running text function implemented then).

The last truth is that there is no magic(Feist)
Just draw the bitmapped text to the surface using the normal DDraw methods...

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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made due to popular demand here at GDNet :)
what''s the GDI for drawing text?
where is DX8 coming out approximately?
Its not that hard to draw text, the easiest way is:

char message[] = "message";
TextOut(hDC,int XLocation,int YLocation,message,strlen(message));

it may not be extremely efficient but it works.

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