
My Engine Demo..

Started by August 07, 2000 04:06 PM
31 comments, last by Zimans 24 years, 4 months ago
Yup I also got the Unable to set Diplay mode thing....
Also a Voodoo3 3000.
You should try to support 16 bpp if you want to hit a larger market. But for just learning and fun. I guess it''s whatever you want!
See ya,
__________________________Mencken's Law:"For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution; and it's always wrong."
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science in 1949
I got:

87 fps

On a PIII 600 Mhz using GeForce card.

- Martin
66fps p3-450, geforce

nice so far, could speed up scrolling though.
On my p3 600 w/ GeForce DDR i get 89. At first i was getting 10!! I was like WHAT THE HELL? People with much slower systems was going faster then me. But turns out, i have FSAA turned on. Which the GeForce 256 cant do very well b/c of the ''low'' fill rate.

=============================Where's the 'any' key?=============================
As far as the BPP it will be selectable to either 16 or 32, cause it's really easy to do. I just haven't gotten to it yet..

As for the res.. I like 1024x768 because it's not too big, but it offers a level of detail in drawings and stuff that you loose in lower res, plus I thought that 32x32 tiles in 640x480 were way to big. The way the engine has been written so far, changing the res is as easy as changing two defines, so making it multi-res capable is not that much work. My only quam about using multiple res's is that the game may be designed for 1024x768, but if the user drops the res, he can't see as far and this may hamper certain axpects of gameplay. For Example: There's a target that the player must shoot with an arrow, This target is across a chasm, at 1024x768 you can see across the chasm no prob, but at a lower res you couldn't see far enough to see the target..

I still think I have a bug somewhere, cause the fps should be better.. The tnt's are getting 40+ or so, and the geforces are getting 80+. Maybe it's the vertex lighting. I was under the impression that gourad shading was done in hardware, and that once you gave a vertex a color it was simply gourad shading.. Maybe i'm wrong.. The game is drawing about 3100 triangles, so I still think it should be faster....

I'm open to and encoarage discussion on this topic as I believe it would be helpful.
I welocome your comments.


Edited by - Zimans on August 8, 2000 8:08:06 PM
640*480 to small? Look at Diablo 2. It has a very low resolution compared to most games but it still looks good.

#define MY_LIFE BUSY

Edited by - The_C_Guy on August 8, 2000 8:13:37 PM
22 fps: is it optimized for an Intel chip? (''Course, I didn''t mess w/ my video card settings, but what avg consumer would?)

I have:
512mb ram
800 MHz Athlon
32mb TNT2 card

You''d think I be getting faster..........but the tiles and lighting look very nice! Keep up the good work.

Dare wa neko o koroshiteimasuka? (Ha! Learn Nihongo!)
"Now watch as I run away in a womanly fashion." - Batman
I get the "Unable to set Display Mode" error on my P200 32MB Ram 12MB Voodoo2. I don''t think Voodoo2''s can normally get that high a resolution. 800 x 600 would be nice.

- Daniel
VG Games
- DanielMy homepage
Nice demo. I love to watch other game developers creations. I get 38fps with PII-450Mhz and a Leadtek TNT1.
I have been working with Direct3D alot when it comes to using it for 2D game development. If you need any help or just want to share idees then logon to the chatroom (#gamedev) on (or any other afternet server). My nickname is tooun (tho many think its actually toounAWAY...heh).

And to all you people that are complaining about the demo not supporting more video modes and stuff. Enumeration IMO is NOT something you should worry about in the early stages of a project like this (no offence Zimans).
true just start the demo up in a window and let ppl resize it to as big as they want. a personal peeve of mine are those IDIOTS that start a demo up in 640x480 fullscreen. esp when it crashes and my desktop stays at 640x480 grrr :{

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