The general feel of your posts is that of pointless ranting in the form of some sort of semi-schizophrenic, journalistic inner monologue. Your points (what points I was able to garner from that mess) are poorly constructed, vague, and come across as general complaints rather than as topics of discussion.
"I saw screens shots of the gamecube Zelda and I threw up!" Oh, yay, another person who judged WindWaker poorly based on screen shots rather than playing it. That makes you truly unique, and I am delighted you chose to share your subtle insight. If I had a dime for every person who said something like that about WindWaker just based on screenshots, I sure as hell wouldn''t still be welding for a living. It''s a good game, fun and entertaining. I''m a huge fan of the Zelda series, and each time a new one comes out, I buy it. With a big-ass grin on my face. Screenshots of cartoony, cel-shaded WindWaker didn''t turn me off one bit, since I am able to look past any misguided pre-conceptions of what I think Zelda should be, and see instead what it is. I believe (and hope) that there is still much life left in the Zelda franchise.
Now, I understand you have your opinions and far-be-it from me to try to dissuade you. But this is a game design forum, intended for constructive discussion of game design techniques and ideas--not for semi-coherent ranting. If you have something insightful to say, might I suggest basic grammar constructs, proper sentence phrasing, and readable paragraphs rather than mindless, journal-style train of thought? I am quite confidient that "who you are" is quite a lot more than this, if you''d only take a little pride and professionalism in how you present yourself in what is supposedly a forum for creative discussion.
Now, please don''t take this to mean I am trying to belittle you in any way. I value your insights as much as anyones''. My point is that unless you can present your thoughts a little more coherently, whatever topics you wish to discuss are likely to pass unremarked, as none can glean them from your posts.
Blender--The Gimp--Python--Lua--SDL