
Mouse Position - Diagonal Map

Started by July 27, 2000 04:25 PM
-1 comments, last by Kenniston 24 years, 4 months ago
How can I get mouse position on Diagonal map??? I´m using this code: FAdjX := X - FSurfaceX; FAdjY := Y + FSurfaceY; FMapX := FAdjX div TileWidth - FAdjY div TileHeight; FMapY := FAdjY div TileHeight + FAdjX div TileWidth; FOffsetX := FAdjX mod TileWidth; FOffsetY := FAdjY mod TileHeight; case FImgMouseMap.Canvas.Pixels[FOffsetX, FOffsetY] of clRed: begin FMapY := FMapY - 1; FMouseDirection := 'NORTHWEST'; end; clYellow: begin FMapX := FMapX + 1; FMouseDirection := 'NORTHEAST'; end; clWhite: begin FMapY := FMapY + 1; FMouseDirection := 'SOUTHEAST'; end; clLime: begin FMapX := FMapX - 1; FMouseDirection := 'SOUTHWEST'; end; else FMouseDirection := 'CENTER'; end; FMapX := FMapX + (FSurfaceY div (TileHeight div 2)); FMapY := FMapY - (FSurfaceY div (TileHeight div 2)); Edited by - kenniston on 7/27/00 4:28:42 PM

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