
Mini Challenge

Started by February 07, 2004 06:59 AM
66 comments, last by Enigma 21 years ago
And that''s the deadline. With a grand total of 0 entries I can now declare that the winner is: me . I think in order to try and salvage something from this contest I''ll move the deadline to tomorrow midnight (24 hours from now).

Thank you!!!
*faints from exhaustion

Fixed d error btw...turned d comp on and off and it worked!
I presume ''on and off'' is the not the order in which you did it. If your computer was not on in the first place then I''m not suprised that the render function wasn''t being called properly

@ Enigma
So thats what was wrong...jk
No entry llvllatrix? Competition is now closed with no entries. Since this was a complete failure it would be useful to get some idea why it failed. So, if anyone was planning on entering but didn''t for any reason, can you let me know why you decided against it (i.e. not enough time, my complete inability to provide a proper VC6 compatible skeleton, just plain boring, e.t.c). Thanks,

lol, give me another half hour and you''ll have ur entry.

Heres a shot of my progress:
I was planning on it, 11 hours of rehersal later I realized I wounldn''t have the time. I had very little trouble getting the skeleton working though
I wasn''t really planning on entering the contest, because of the lack of structure/planning of the contest. So here is what I think you should do next time you start a contest:

think up a theme in secret, based around some generalized idea (ie openGL), derived from ideas and input from the gamedevers that seem interested in the challenge. announce that there is to be a contest, letting everyone know when the rules will be posted (at which time the contest will begin). I know this was just supposed to be a small challenge with a few entries, but I think some organization would have helped. The fuzziness of the start/end date and theme of the challenge were what kept me from entering. Anyway, good luck with your next challenge!

I never chew my cabbage twice
A big reason was probably valentines on the final day.

Also the files for the microsoft compilers coming later probably didn''t help.

With this kind of thing you have to cater to everyone. Some people wont even know what to do when they get a zip of only source files and they are used to project files for their compiler. Not everyone has glut setup and I don''t think you mentioned that the glut files would be needed or where to find them.

For a 3 day contest only announced on the NeHe forums I would have only expected about 4 entries max anyways.

BTW I tried the .NET version and your solutions that you posted in this thread and I still had compile errors. I noticed the .NET zip you supplied was 2003 and maybe my problems are something wrong with version 2002. I''m a bit of a newb so after looking at the build errors for awhile I decided I wasn''t going to have enough time.

If there is another mini contest I will enter.
Here it is...completely untested...with half the effects i had planeed and an hour overdue but its done!

have fun

I m not responsible for any damages btw...

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