
Mini Challenge

Started by February 07, 2004 06:59 AM
66 comments, last by Enigma 21 years ago
Hey, besides posting the winner of the contest, could you post all the entry programs as well (assuming the programmers give consent)? It''d be nice to see what everyone came up with.

That''s a good idea. Anybody posting an entry, please state whether you''re willing for your entry to be made available. I have plenty of webspace and bandwidth to host them so you don''t have to worry about that.

Good luck everyone. Six hours remaining...

For those still interested here are d vc++ 6.0 workspace files:
Between my girls birthday on friday and valentines today I didn''t have time to even figure out the build errors.

This is probably kinda late to help, but I found that the enigma''s VC++ .NET version was for .NET 2003 and I had .NET 2002. If you need to convert from 2003 to 2002 you can use the file here:

and if you need to convert VC++ .NET to VC++ 6 then you can use this converter.
lol, looks like i wont finish in time...again. But i will post it when im done...just for kicks.
llvllatrix: Crikey, you must have some amount of patience to do that. Milkshape is a fantastic modeller but I just can''t use it for animation and that''s why I asked - in case you some super fantastic program to help you.

Darren Clark
I have this wierd problem with ur engine enigma. Im trying to make different render for each brick and it doesnt work. It only renders the brick's render function. I even tried this (map.cpp):

char brickType = reader.get();if (columnIndex < 17 && (columnIndex == 0 || bricks[(lineIndex * 17) + columnIndex - 1] == null)){	//bricks[(lineIndex * 17) + columnIndex] = buildBrick(brickType, (columnIndex * 32) + 32, (lineIndex * 32) + 16);	bricks[(lineIndex * 17) + columnIndex] = new Brick100((columnIndex * 32) + 32, (lineIndex * 32) + 16);}columnIndex++;

ny ideas; gonna start tracing the error now...sorta short on time

[edited by - llvllatrix on February 14, 2004 6:33:38 PM]

You've uncommented the render function in Brick100.h and .cpp and put your own render code in there? If so it should call that function. It does when I compile the code under borland or gcc. Can you try grabbing a second copy of the skeleton, uncomment the Brick100 render function and add:
glColor3f(1, 0, 0);NormalBrick::render();glColor3f(1, 1, 1);  

to the render function and try running that.

If that works, but your proper entry doesn't then I suspect you've trashed memory somewhere and the c++ runtime is getting extremely confused .


EDIT: Just realised that all of the last three posts end with the same smiley!!!

[edited by - Enigma on February 14, 2004 6:55:48 PM]
I think ur right...heres what i got from my compile:

c:\windows\desktop\mini challenge 1 source\mini challenge\brick100.cpp(36) : error C2662: ''render'' : cannot convert ''this'' pointer from ''const class Brick100'' to ''class NormalBrick &''
What''s line 36?


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