
Mini Challenge

Started by February 07, 2004 06:59 AM
66 comments, last by Enigma 21 years ago
Since NeHe hasn''t posted for a while (understandably) I thought I''d try and do something to liven things up a bit by running a mini-competition. My proposal is this: I will write a game skeleton for a simple type of game, with everything working except the rendering. Anyone wishing to enter will then have a short period of time (max. one week, probably a few days) to implement the rendering side of the game in any way they want. At the end I will determine the best looking version and declare the winner. There will be no prize (except bragging rights). Obviously there''s no point in running this if nobody is interested, so if you think you''d like to try this then please post a reply below. If there is enough interest the competition will probably begin either later today or tomorrow. Please also suggest how long you think the competition should run for. Enigma
Im up for it if it only lasts a few days. The only thing that would probably annoy me is if anyone used code that they hadnt written completely to brag that they had made a game.

We could also use this mini challenge to test an idea i had. A while back i posted some artwork on the milkshape boards. I explained what i used the artwork for and some seemed interested. They said they were willing to provide me with models if i wished, so long as i gave them credit in whatever it ended up in. This may be a good way to test this sort of exchange before it gets used in a real nehe contest (it would b cool if we could use this sort of exchange in the ROTK contest). The basic idea is that you post any modeling work in a thread on the milkshape boards, they do the work and get the credit for it in the last scene of your demo.
Might be interesting... Depends on the game skeleton you'll provide. I should have at lest some classes for math(2d/3d vectors) and things like that. Like very simple engine.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on February 7, 2004 2:43:33 PM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Cool idea,

I wouldn't be able to enter as usual due to not having any free time

[edited by - skow on February 7, 2004 3:28:02 PM]
I was thinking of something really simple so that anyone who had no modelling skills and was not confident with vector maths could still manage to produce something decent looking by using i.e. texture mapping & creative use of lighting. A more confident programmer, on the other hand, would be able to use a few models (I only really see scope for a couple of models and they''d be pretty specialised) and be able to access enough data to generate more exotic effects.

I want to emphasize that this would be a simple game (think tetris/space invaders type game) and part of the challenge would be to think how to apply different effects to the game.

As an example, if it were a tetris game (and it''s not) then each block might have a position, orientation and velocity. The simplest solution would be to draw a 2d object in the correct position each frame. A more complex version might display a motion-blurred, textured, per-pixel lit, environment-mapped, curvy 3d model.

That sounds like alot of fun, id be up to try it
On another board we used to have a simple mini contest like texture objects, bouncing balls, site logo in opengl etc which had a 2 week time frame. We could do that as well.
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
I''m not going to start the contest just yet because I''m hoping that NeHe might post the Creative contest entries soon (plus I want to add a bit more to the game skeleton). If we don''t hear anything more from NeHe by the middle of the week then I''ll start the contest.

What type of game are u planning? Are we going to be able to change other aspects of the game or just the rendering portion?
It''ll be strictly the rendering side. I''m actually thinking about packing everything up into a dll so that people won''t even think about trying to change anything else. As for the type of game, I''m not going to say until the contest starts. Half the fun will be trying to find ways to fit effects into the game, so I don''t want to give people an advantage by stating now what the game will be.


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