
VC++, weird thing

Started by July 25, 2000 11:19 AM
1 comment, last by Topgoro 24 years, 4 months ago
Hi all. I wonder if anyone can make any sense out of this: When I compile the following program:

#include "windows.h"

#define INITGUID

#include "ddraw.h"

int __stdcall WinMain( HINSTANCE InstanceHandleIn, HINSTANCE Dummy, LPSTR CommandLinePointer, int ShowCommand)
IDirectDraw *	DirectDraw = NULL;
IDirectDraw *	DirectDraw2 = NULL;
HRESULT		ErrorCode;

	MessageBox(NULL,"About to create DirectDraw object.",NULL,NULL);
	ErrorCode = DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &DirectDraw, NULL);
	if (ErrorCode < 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to create DirectDraw object.",NULL, NULL);
		return 0;
	ErrorCode = DirectDraw->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDraw2,(void **)&DirectDraw2);
	if (ErrorCode < 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to create DirectDraw2 object.",NULL, NULL);
		return 0;
	DirectDraw = NULL;
	DirectDraw2 = NULL;
	return 0;


by clicking in Build/Rebuild All, I get a linking error.


Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'Project - Win32 Debug'.
--------------------Configuration: Project - Win32 Debug--------------------
WinMain.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _IID_IDirectDraw2
Debug/Project.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

Project.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

if I click Build/Build Project.exe, I get the same error. But if I remove the line: #define INITGUID Then Build/Build Project.exe again (and get the same error again), and the restore the line, and Build/Build Project.exe again, the program compiles and works just fine. If you want to look at the project, a link to it can be found here. Topgoro Edited by - Topgoro on 7/25/00 11:23:29 AM
We emphasize "gotoless" programming in this company, so constructs like "goto hell" are strictly forbidden.
You have to do

#define INITGUID

before all includes...
you could also link with the dxguid.lib file...

Hope this helps

ICQ: 130925152Email:
quote: Original post by Dark

You have to do

#define INITGUID

before all includes...
you could also link with the dxguid.lib file...

Hope this helps

Thank you very much, I was missing the dxguid.lib. But the quiestion still remains, was not the compile supossed to *ALWAYS* fail without that file?


We emphasize "gotoless" programming in this company, so constructs like "goto hell" are strictly forbidden.

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