
The future of Racing Games?

Started by July 24, 2000 12:38 AM
26 comments, last by Paul Cunningham 24 years, 4 months ago
Well, once you start getting I-can''t-believe-it''s-not-reality type quality in games, I''d like to see more combinations of different types of simulations. (for all those who said it''ll be a long time, that doesn''t mean it WON''T happen.. I''m pretty sure it will happen sometime in our lifetime)

So, you''ve got a racing simulation over here, and a helicopter simulation over there, and somewhere on the other side you''ve got a racing-boat simulation... I''d like to see an ultra-realistic version of Spy Hunter (with great physics and changing weather conditions on the road, fluid dynamics on the boat, and terrain and cloud generation you wouldn''t believe for the helicopter... all in one engine)

Or, better, giving the player the choice to be in a simulation in the middle of a game of a different genre (this ain''t no chocobo race...)

Also, noone on this thread has mentioned sports games yet... they''re as much a simulation as your flying or racing game... and there are a lot of sports games that haven''t even been created yet, while the other sports games have a long way to go (at least compared to your average racing sim) before I would consider them "realistic"... For example, I played Lacrosse all through Middle and High school... but after I moved, there weren''t any teams to play on in my area, and I''ve NEVER seen a Lacrosse game made for any platform. Hopefully, when developers have exhausted the soccer, football, basketball, etc. games, they''ll turn to more obscure sports games to develop. (I don''t even like sports video games (real reality is so much better), but if someone came out with a Lacrosse game, I''d probably even go as far as buying a console just to get that game).

It takes more than just realism to be a good game. There won''t be a "last simulation game" because there are always new ideas.
Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming: "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."
I''ve been waiting for years for a "Racing Destruction Set" remake... I hope I can see this before I die.
Impressive technology does not a perfect game make. there are so many different possibilities, that a game is like a fingerprint, no two are exactly alike. And just like a fingerprint, none can be called "perfect". I already think that sim racers are repetetive and stagnant, and I don''t think better graphics will hurt them much. I''m fairly tired of the ''race'' mentality, games like carmaggeddon2 prove that there are a lot more interesting things to do in a hot car than just go forward.
So many games haven''t been fully covered but that''s just meaning that we''ve got work to do.. hehe.

Racing games can never be totally real. There''s no risk involved with a GAME.. especially for racing. You don''t wreck and your character gets lifelited by helicopter to the hospital for emergency brain surgery, nope, you get up and get right back on.

Your car never gets so crushed that you can''t drive it anymore, either. The game always stops and says "too much damage". You never blow an engine, or a valve on the engine, or something else that real racers face. Why? cause we''re not totally sure what makes those parts blow The valves have a certain ammount of life in them, but we can''t accurately model the life of non-living things

Oh well.

Ok, think of it...

It's finally done: the perfect racing sim. You start get into your car, start the engine... you just touch the pedal a bit to much and there goes the engine... booom...Ok, 2nd try.. u got your car running, finally. So u drive out of the box and into the first curve... qqquuueeekkk.. into the sand and against the wall.. and so on and so on...

Would that really be fun!?!?

And also, what would happen to the real pro drivers? Wouldn't they loose their job, cause everybody gets to do the same on his PC at home?

I don't think a racing simulation needs perfect realistic physiks or something like that... it just needs to do exactly that what u expect it to do, or?

that's just my opinion.



Edited by - phueppl1 on July 31, 2000 12:00:59 AM
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )
I don''t think graphics have to get that much better if the game will be played on the ordinary TV as the ordinary TV''s resolution is pretty poor. I personally think the next gen (PS2 and Xbox, dolphin) will have racing sims that look like the real thing. GT comes pretty close aready on the PSX. So is the only thing that''s going to sell these new games be better physics, tracks and different cars and capabilites?

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I''d also like to know why everyone that makes a car sim thinking that the game has to operate from a first person persective. I really am missing the old top view for racing sims.

Yeah, you''re right. Of course, as computing power has increased, the general flow of things has been to go for realism in racing sims, and since driving by looking down from a plane above you isn''t very realistic... "It''s got to go!" The car combat game I was thinking about doing was going to be top-down, with the camera more or less focusing on the car, keeping it in the middle. In some recent top-down games the character is kept at the bottom edge of the screen, so you can''t see what''s coming up behind you... of course with a person as your character, seeing in a 360 degree circle around you isn''t very "realistic", but with a car it makes more sense.
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.org
So many developers go for realism, why? Their game isn''t fun and they wonder why they don''t have a job tommorow If killing yourself was the big think tommorow maybe we''d be rid of a lot of bad developers too. Yeah, killing yourself is cool, yeah, yeah! Hey everyone, killing yourself is cool!

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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