quote: Original post by furby100
Yes, the computer ruling an entire society based on the former leader''s consciousness is as Hackneyed as the planet composed entirely of gangsters or Romans.
Hey now, I liked those planets!
quote: Original post by furby100
Yes, the computer ruling an entire society based on the former leader''s consciousness is as Hackneyed as the planet composed entirely of gangsters or Romans.
Writing Blog: The Aspiring Writer
Legacy - Black Prince Saga Book One - By Alexander Ballard (Free this week)
quote: Original post by TechnoGoth
However things have changed as a result of your actions the last time through thoughs three days continue and the end you once again fight the villian and fail to save the world.
Writing Blog: The Aspiring Writer
Legacy - Black Prince Saga Book One - By Alexander Ballard (Free this week)
quote: Original post by TechnoGoth
So it starts off, world gets destroyed and in a attempt to save it you travel back in time 3 days. You live thoughs three days confront the villian but are unable prevent the worlds destruction and so your sent back three days again. However things have changed as a result of your actions the last time through thoughs three days continue and the end you once again fight the villian and fail to save the world. This continues a number of times until you finaly are able to save the world. There could be interesting side quests such as trying to change peoples lives for the better.
quote: Original post by TechnoGoth
"Plus, your actions in the future wouldn''t change things that happened before you did them. The game would get repetitive"
Ahh but your forgetting something. Since you''ve already traveled back in time before then that means there is all ready a version of you out there changing things. So for instance if you cause a car to go out of control and run over a woman. Then in future loops you could be there to save the woman before she dies.
Writing Blog: The Aspiring Writer
Legacy - Black Prince Saga Book One - By Alexander Ballard (Free this week)