
Idea for the site/community

Started by October 04, 2003 11:40 AM
18 comments, last by Ruudje 21 years, 4 months ago
I think an important thing with something like this would be to decide exactly what it is that one is trying to do. Is it supposed to be a full game engine? Or a learning tool? I''d personally encourage the latter--it would be great to give GL newbies easy modular code for some stuff GL lacks, like model loading/rendering, sprites, and so forth (I know I would have loved it starting out), especially if there''s good, extensively commented source.
Orin Tresnjak | Graphics ProgrammerBethesda Game StudiosStandard Disclaimer: My posts represent my opinions and not those of Bethesda/Zenimax, etc.
My intentions were also the latter. Just have loose "components" that you can plug into your program with 1 line of code (#include) which will give you something, such as loading a model, or whatever. It should be compiler and os independent
Heh, post a site, and I''ll join up. We should then divide the work into different categories, and basically position people into those categories, and make em(us) code.
So it starts with a project to load models and now it''s gonna be a whole game engine?

I think a standard loader for loading models would be great, I''ve had lots of problems with that too. I now use MD2 but thats not a great solution. Doesn''t DX have a model loader, x file or something?

What you really need is at least one good GL programmer , someone with lots of experience. Without that, I don''t think much progress will be made.

Unfortunately I dont have a website...
Essentially, all you''ve described is a more uniform version of the tutorials nehe has produced. Why dont you approach a good modeling programmer and ask for an online tutorial?
.. come again? what exactly do you mean? What does a 3D modeler have to do with teamwork to realise special codes/classes for opengl programming?
I think you should first define what you really want to do.
My opinion is that you first should begin with a not too huge project (model loader/render, with why not the modeler and animator shoud be a good idea (it''s what I''d be interested in :D, and what I''m ready to help you))

Coding conventions and so could be a problem but over people have already been confronted with it, so it should be sovable.
well the way I see a project as this is that I dont want to be a BOSS of a group of coders, but just the manager of the project. Meaning I would just ask every-one willing to do something like this what THEY think we should create first/next, like a poll, but their own entries.
Original post by llvllatrix
Essentially, all you''ve described is a more uniform version of the tutorials nehe has produced. Why dont you approach a good modeling programmer and ask for an online tutorial?

If you dont know what I mean, take a look at the camera class on the main page. Generally stuff like that, but not focussing on 1 thing (such as models)

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