quote: Original post by Merle
Another quest thought: why must every player have the same quest goals?
Perhaps there is a general goal ("raise the flag on the citadel"). But each race might have distinct subgoals. A Golmek might want to "find the X that you have heard is in the basement and fix it". An Arbag might want to search for treasure. Some goals would be racially implicit, others might come in the form of "you recall an elder telling you that X was lost in battle, but was last seen in Khatovar".
Even assuming that side-quests sometimes depend on having race-skills, what you propose is an interesting idea. For a bonus score, your party might have to split up and the individual characters need to accomplish something specific to their race or abilities.
What would really make such an idea powerful is to randomly generate these individual side-quests at the beginning of each quest. It might be something simple, such as "Player A, go to this location and grab this item" with a few monsters in the way. It''s completely auxillary to the main quest, but the player could get a few more points for his team. However, in this case there would be no way to prevent the other players from helping out as well, unless we do something totally artificial like a portal that only Player A can pass through Anyway, randomly generating them would really increase the replayability and I think it would be possible if they were simple enough side-quests.
Darryl Long: Lead Coder The Pythian Project