quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Off topic but I thought in D&D 1 turn = 6 seconds. so 10 turns = 1 min?
That''s the case in 3rd edition; I''m not sure about older versions, though, so Oort may be right as well. Of course, this lead to some bad gameplay in Neverwinter Nights, in my opinion. NWN tried to merge real-time gaming with the six-second turns of D&D, which lead to level one barbarians swinging their axe, and then standing there for the next five seconds--all the while their player is screaming, "Why aren''t you attacking again, you stupid %&*)%^!" Or at least, I was. When you got up to levels 15-20, of course, you were getting 4 or more attacks per turn, which made combat feel much more fluid. I found myself wondering if most of the play-testing had been done with high-level characters...
A solution would''ve been for the low-level characters to actually attack and recover slower than the high-level ones; I''m still wondering why the NWN team didn''t do this. (Granted, you don''t want to have a 3-second swing animation; probably a 2-second swing, with a 4-second recovery--give the artists a challenge making it look natural. )
This may have been OT, but I don''t think so, since the combat system was part of Oort''s original thread. And he''s the one that brought it up anyhow.
-Odd the Hermit