Original post by Anonymous Poster
Off topic but I thought in D&D 1 turn = 6 seconds. so 10 turns = 1 min?
That''s the case in 3rd edition; I''m not sure about older versions, though, so Oort may be right as well.

A solution would''ve been for the low-level characters to actually attack and recover slower than the high-level ones; I''m still wondering why the NWN team didn''t do this. (Granted, you don''t want to have a 3-second swing animation; probably a 2-second swing, with a 4-second recovery--give the artists a challenge making it look natural.

This may have been OT, but I don''t think so, since the combat system was part of Oort''s original thread. And he''s the one that brought it up anyhow.

-Odd the Hermit