
Bot discussion thread

Started by August 08, 2003 07:23 PM
10 comments, last by Sailorstick 21 years, 1 month ago
Discuss other people''s bots here and offer suggestions, criticisms, kudos...etc.
i poop too much
I give kudos to DustBot and PhatBot for their attacking techniques (they both seem to be similar) I don''t know exactly what they are doing, but it seems to be very effective. I can''t say how my bot does against them, as I am still working on the obstacle avoidance code. Needless to say, I doubt I could harm them very much.

Dustbot gets extra kudos for the first effective use that I''ve seen for grenades.

For PhatBot... obstacle avoidance is extremely good. I''m not sure why it slows when it prepares to avoid, but perhaps it''s because you can make finer adjustments? I''m not sure, but it seems to work. I''ve had it get stuck a few times. Sometimes it would chase mine and get stuck on a tree and sit there. I ran it just now, and it got stuck in the corner. I don''t know how you handle it, but I just do a simple check to see if no objects are visible, and if that''s true, I set the state to OBJECT_EVASION. In any case, it''s not a major problem, even in this early revision.

PhatBot always gets stuck in corners. The rest of it''s movement is very good though.
Most bots are fairly evenly matched (except mine of course )
ProBotTM has rabies. Watch out!

As soon as I am done with some tweaking, Ill upload it so it can kill your bot.
Grrr... I hate DustBot, I still haven''t figured out how to counter his tactics yet. My bot, LiquidIntell only wins 1 out of every 4/5 matches against DustBot.

Meanwhile, my bot basically has no difficulty defeating PhatBot and PhatBot has no difficulty defeating DustBot. What the hell? It''s just pretty annoying, actually.

Oh, PhatBot''s following technique is really good, but it''s annoying...

InitGames Software
I can defeat PhatBot with ease. Although only 1 out of 5 times or something

All you do is make your bot walk backwards, turn and repeatedly fire. He will follow you round and repeatedly get hit. A clever version of this that targets PhatBot before it gets close would win every time I reckon. Ofcourse it would probably lose every time with other bots.
Yes, except that I updated PhatBot, and it now does much better against LiquidIntell. the problem with my bot in the corner is not that of having no objects in view, the problem is, it sees one wall, turns to avoid it, then sees the other wall, and turns back to avoid that, in a never ending loop . I slow down while approaching an object so I can get closer to it before I start avoiding, so if the enemy is behind it, i''m not making a huge path to avoid it... I also take multiple objects into account, so if there are 2 objects close, I will try to walk between them (of course, it doesn''t work when they are to close to walk between, so a simple check to see if their to close would do wonders, but that''s for later).
quote: Original post by higherspeed
I can defeat PhatBot with ease. Although only 1 out of 5 times or something

All you do is make your bot walk backwards, turn and repeatedly fire. He will follow you round and repeatedly get hit. A clever version of this that targets PhatBot before it gets close would win every time I reckon. Ofcourse it would probably lose every time with other bots.

Oh, to this: I added in some guess work, so it will turn to where it thinks you''re going to be now, should help stop that nasty problem of people doing that .
And, here's the latest for now... still gets stuck a bit, but I'll fix that sometime in the near future.

--- Edit ---
higherspeed - Do you have a bot for download so I can see if the problem was rectified, or at least let me know how my new bot does?

[edited by - Ready4Dis on August 13, 2003 9:20:57 PM]

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