
Questions about GDArena

Started by August 02, 2003 10:57 AM
59 comments, last by khawk 21 years, 1 month ago
That's exactly what it means You have to manage your states very carefully because of this.
Edit: oops, I didn't realise you could 2 non-conflicting actions at the same time! Oh well, at least I can improve my bot.

[edited by - Sailorstick on August 8, 2003 8:27:56 AM]
quote: Original post by d000hg
If we get shot, can we please be told where we are hit - if I git hit in the back it''ll change by tactics to if it''s just out of sight on the right for instance. Obviously for grenades this isn''t logical.

Can''t you just check the GetMyHealth()?

Admin for

quote: Original post by RenderTarget
Is there a specific order in which objects are reported to the bot? left-to-right, world-left-to-right, distance-sorted, anything we can count on?

Secondly, if we reverse-engineer the order and rely on it, will that order be changed, or will the game behave the same for the contest?

I like pie.

1. Trees
2. Rocks
3. Grenades
4. Ammobox (if available)
5. Enemy
6. Walls

The order will not be changed.

Admin for

Actually, what I meant to say was, among objects of a type, is there an order in which they''re received? Do all the trees come in any particular order, i.e. left-to-right or depth-sorted? Not that it matters much for now, as I''m depth-sorting them anyway, but just curious.

I like pie.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
quote: Original post by RenderTarget
Actually, what I meant to say was, among objects of a type, is there an order in which they're received? Do all the trees come in any particular order, i.e. left-to-right or depth-sorted? Not that it matters much for now, as I'm depth-sorting them anyway, but just curious.

I like pie.

Oh ok.. no objects are sorted. Trees are, actually, but they're depth-sorted for the camera (not your bot) because of their transparencies.

I was just thinking about it, and maybe it's something I can add to the interface.. Functions to return the objects depth-sorted, left-to-right sorted, etc.

Admin for


I was just thinking about it, and maybe it''s something I can add to the interface.. Functions to return the objects depth-sorted, left-to-right sorted, etc.

ooooh that would be nice!

A headache, ancillary; an hourglass auxiliary.

"something witty, blah, blah, blah"
--That One Witty Guy (remember? that one dude?)

------------------------------------------------------- A headache, ancillary; an hourglass auxiliary."something witty, blah, blah, blah" --That One Witty Guy (remember? that one dude?)(author of DustBot)
Maybe this has been gone over before, but how exactly are walls detected? I mean, what are the conditions necessary to receive a wall in the list?

I like pie.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
quote: Original post by RenderTarget
Maybe this has been gone over before, but how exactly are walls detected? I mean, what are the conditions necessary to receive a wall in the list?

I like pie.

Never mind, I''ve figured it out. See defects for a bug.

I like pie.
[sub]My spoon is too big.[/sub]
are the object radii listed in the readme the collision radii, the LOS radii or both?
------------------------------------------------------- A headache, ancillary; an hourglass auxiliary."something witty, blah, blah, blah" --That One Witty Guy (remember? that one dude?)(author of DustBot)
quote: Original post by Khawk
quote: Original post by d000hg
If we get shot, can we please be told where we are hit - if I git hit in the back it''ll change by tactics to if it''s just out of sight on the right for instance. Obviously for grenades this isn''t logical.

Can''t you just check the GetMyHealth()?
I mean what direction I''m hit from - if it''s 45 degrees (just out of vision) I''ll likely turn & shoot wheras if he''s directly behind me I''ll run away!

1)How exactly is the wall thing working? My bot''ll turn until he''s almost running along the walls but still trying to run just outside them then seems to stop seeing the wall completely.

2)When I run right into something I seem to stop detecting it - by bot stops trying to turn and tries to run straight through.

3)Do all the bool returning functions tell you anything? It would be really helpful if they passed/failed.

4)Which methods can only be called once an update and which can be called multiple times successfully?

5)What are the delay times for firing/changing weapons & grenade timer please? Can they be put in the readme as ''official'' information rather than just word-of-mouth? (In fact all the info being set in stone would be nice).

6)Can you give us one Turn() method which includes both left and right, and one GetAmmo(int WeaponType) method which would be better if more weapons get included.

7)When we get the data on an object in sight, is it pointing at the centre, the nearest point to 0 degrees or the nearest point to me? Does it include my bot''s radius - ie does 0 mean we''re touching?

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