quote: Original post by Sean99
Sounds like you''ve got very similar goals to my own. I''m pretty far along on a text-based conversation engine myself which has the same goals in mind. While there is no menu system per se, I use what I call pre-emptive parsing to ensure that the player is only allowed to type something which makes sense to the game, and I have included a mechanism for the player to see what words/phrases are currently acceptable, so there is no guessing on the player''s part on what the game is expecting as input.
I have intimately linked knowledge, conversation, and behavior. An NPC''s behavior and conversation are driven by dynamic evaluation of his knowledge base (and personality). I''m not using quest triggers of any sort, nor am I using any scripted conversation. Obviously, it''s going to be a challenge to refine and expand the system so as to make events and conversation compelling, but I believe the base is sound enough that with enough effort and creativity, my system has as good a chance as any of achieving the elusive combination of open-endedness and decent narrative.
If you''re interested, I can provide more details or send you a demo of the conversation engine.
this is encouraging.
my ideal goal would be entirely non-scripted conversation. as of now, however, my thoughts were that the player can say anything that he wants, and that the AI would pull a scripted response from a pool of thousands of possiblilities. the specific response triggered would be determined by user input, situation, AI intelligence and personality attributes, and then would be chosen at random from a list of a dozen or so comments, all which essentially mean the same thing.
this is something that i could live with, but if non-scripted AI speech is within reach, i would definently give it shot. i''d love to have more information about your conversation system. any help would be appreciated (and credited, if this ever comes to pass). a demo of the engine would be choice. my e.mail address is... jacobsk@bgnet.bgsu.edu