
Movie & game should be combined to create a perfect gaming experience!

Started by June 19, 2000 09:28 AM
31 comments, last by Hans 24 years, 6 months ago
Ingame engine cutscences are much more reactive than movies.
I remember while playing FF7, I use a sharp and nice lookng Katana (japanese sword) like weapon, but when the cutscene began, I suddenly use my old weapon ???

Isn''t that strange ?

Using the game engine to make cutscene allow the creation of modular and reactive movies sequences that suit more the game.
(Think about the example above, this is avoided with ingame engien cutscenes)

Another reason (I still ask myself if it''s a good one) is to have a continuous flow in the game, it seems that some people find that cutscenes are breaking the flow of the game by displaying BETTER gfx and killing the freedom of the player.

I choose to use a movie Intro and a movie ending, with all others cutscenes using the 3d game engine.
If the engine is nice enough (remember OutCast), it''s not really a bad idea to use the 3d engine.

I''ll probably use movies in scenes in which the player is not there.
(The scene in which you learn that your worst ennemy is in fact a necromancer [Only use a necromancer once in my 10 years of Game Mastering] who is planning to conquer the world...)
[Don''t get me wrong I''ll never write such a story, too classical for me.]

Anybodies have other reasons why not to use movies sometimes, and why to use them other times ?

-* So many things to do, so few time to spend *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
For anyone who misunderstood me, I actually like some of the cut-scenes in my games. I thought some of the scenes in the Command & Conquer games were very entertaining. The point I was trying to make (....somewhere back a few posts that is.....), movie scenes in games should be kept to a minimum length. Up to 2-3 minutes between levels is fine, but to throw in a 90 minute movie like what was originally suggested just wouldn''t work to keep gamers interested.

Many people may only have 30 minutes a day to play, now that I''m a new Dad, I hardly ever get to play anything anymore (Although I just got into MDK2 a little-->Great fun in that game).

My other point is (and this is my opinion only), besides the prerendered 3D (3D Studio, etc.), I feel that the current 3D game technology is still completely crude. I have played my share of 3D games (Unreal Tourn., Quake 3, etc..) and while the graphics are acceptable for gameplay, I wouldn''t want to watch a 10 minute (let alone 90 minute) movie clip using a 3D game engine. For anyone out there thinking: Oh boy, he''s probablly running a cruddy config if he thinks that. I''m not. I''m running a P3-450, 96MB, Diamond Viper V770 Ultra.

Now only a fool would say that the technology will always be this bad. I''m not one of those people. I fully expect to see prerendered 3D Studio quality graphics generated on the fly in the next 5 or so years (or sooner if we are lucky). But even then, I don''t want to sit back and watch anything for a long period of time. I''m buying games to interact with my PC.

P.S. One of these days I will post a shorter response....I get carried away and my messages may get a bit long winded. Sorry.

Man was born to game, we only work to pay for our toys!
Sorry if this is sorta off topic, but one thing that gripes me about most games out now a days is that the intro movie is pretty damn cool for most of them, like the one in mech commander, well most of that one, it had a bit of cheesy acting.
Then at the end once you''ve slogged out through the whole game in order to finish it then they show you this pissy little small movie that lasts about 1/4 the time of the intro... And in terms of mechcommander (again) it is a short movie that''s totall cg, not bad cg but its not quite as well produced as the intro movie.

My point is that games should reward the player after they''ve finished it. And in my opinion that should be a cool and detailed movie that has some cool scenes in it. This would make give the player some sort of cool satisfaction of being the first to finish it because he could then show off the movie to his friends and they (might) go "wow, isn''t that cool!"

Then the sequel would sell even better hehe

(Dominik Grabiec)

CyberPunk RPG
Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)

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