
Where to fly a paper plane?

Started by May 27, 2003 05:05 PM
21 comments, last by uncutno 21 years, 7 months ago
I was thinking that it might be fun to have a stunt throw type of game, where you might have a series of hoops for the plane to move through. The trick would be that the flaps would be disabled for this setup, so you would only have the plane design and throw to make the stunt work.

Just an idea
Yeah and good luck with your air flow simulation, you ARE going to need it
GREAT! :-) alot of posts!

Great idea! 10 points to you! a stunt game! (did not think about that)... that would be a great game! Im going to use that! :-) mayby base the whole game on that.... (and the extra: fly of the "empire state building" level! (points to AP)

about the weight position:
To get the right weight position, is half of the fold chalange... thats why some planes fly noce, and some fly bad :-)
so im not going to use that...

and i agree that paperweight should be possible!

In the folder you are going to cut and glue, so creating a smaler plane should be possible! (since A4 is the standard (at least in Norway) i think you have to go from there...

i have also thought about how to launch the plane... a virtual hand, with a click at the right time thing i think would work nicely!

(read ansver to irbrian on the paper size problem)... i dont think i want people to have to choose the size, much better if all got the same start, and the folding is everything that matters! (also paper weight :-) )....

great idea also! but i think this would not be as fun as controling the plane yourselfe.. should be easy to throw in later in the game, so ill try it when the time comes!

Im currently twisting my brain on this one... i have some ideas on how to do it, and sinze you only have 5-15 different planes in a paper plane, it should be ok to use alot of CPU cycles on this problem... :-) thanks for the supportive tone!

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