
Where to fly a paper plane?

Started by May 27, 2003 05:05 PM
21 comments, last by uncutno 21 years, 8 months ago
Hello! Say that you have a paper-plane simulator game, where you can fold paper-planes, and fly them (with simple (but rather realistic :-) ) air simulation). Where would you like to fly, and what would you like to do with your virtual paper-plane? Say that the planes have flaps, and can be controled mid-air, and that the simulation is in full 3D... My ideas: 1: Fly as long as posible (time or distance) in different places... (no air-fans to lift you up, only a distance messurer or a time messurer) (possible to have mulitplayer) 2: Fly as fast as possible form A to B in different places.. (with thing in the way)... and so on... (possible to have mulitplayer(multiplayer as in AI or human oponents)) and air-fans) 3: More level type game, where you have to finish a level, to get to the next one... (something like to old GLIDER for mac) mayby inside a house, where you fly from room to room (singleplayer i think) 4: Paperplane deathmatch, where you have to stay as long as posible in the air, and where it is legal to crash other players to the ground... The nature of paperplanes is the fact that they dont fly for a wery long time, so i want a game to last maybe 15-30 seconds.. ? Any ideas??? what do you think about this game ideea??? (My english is bad, because im not english) -Anders-Oredsson-Norway-
I''d love to throw a paper airplane off the empire state building.
:-) sorry, a whole city would be to big... or maybe not?
well, what would be the point? how can you win a game where you throw a paper plane off the empire state building?
I agree that big would be fun!
how about flying across office cubicles where employees fire rubber bands at you?
Great idea!
levels with people! :-) i guess this could work with stay as long as possible in the air, and the level gameplay...
you could have a: "hit the teacher" game, where the students fires rubber bands at you...???
i add people with rubberbands to my list!

the greatest thing would be to have them all, but then i need to make a world, where all these gameplays could fitt...
There have been a few games about paper airplanes in the past. I remember playing an old 2D one (I don''t remember the name.) I''m not sure if it has been done in 3D. It would be cool if the physics depended on the actual plane design.
the name of the old 2D is GLIDER... and its for mac.. (mayby there are more then one..)

The plan was that the physics would depend on how you fold your plane... (simple, but design changes, will change the way the plane fly)
Hmm looks like a great idea, that would make a very fun and definately original game
Darkhaven Beta-test stage coming soon.
Ahh, but the double delta should win just about every time. Unless you aren''t allowed to cut the paper at any point - a double delta wing planform requires cutting... (think SAAB Drakken).
Cahaan: thanks!

you are alowed to cut and glue, and the player need to stear the plane also, so plane design is not the only thing that matter... i know that there is a problem with the ultimate paper plane, but thats why i want to have different gameplay types...
and other stuff...
i dont think that the double delta will be best in all of these....
i think that you will start with the "normal" paperplane, but you get a "garage" where you can modify it, or create new once... (opposit to engine-turbo, super-brakes and super-dampers(read: most car race games).. paper and glue is on the house :-) )

I will create a so realistic simulation as possible (in how the plane fly), so it wont be easy to fly your plane, the angle against the air must be perfect (to get max distance)... also, flaps dont have any effect if the plane is in the wrong angle against movement angle, so its going to be hard to make your plane fly a great distance... (thats why i want to have air fans in games where distance not is the goal....)
have you played Delux Ski Jumper??? i want some of that gameplay into my game (but not only that, and longer rides :-) )
I was thinking about creating a spring system from the paper model, and simulate like 100 vectors for the plane, but the simplest system i could think of, would need 3-8 crossings per vector, and 3-8 normalisations of vectors, and some angle messuring and other stuff, so im going to do it simpler....
by finding out how the air pushes on each triangle, and how it is devided on the 3 corners... i also want to create some sort of air flow volume (simple), so that two wings right abow each other dont give the double effect....
im also going to make the edges of the paper (because a virtual triangle often is 0 m thick) air resistant... this way, the dart will go faster then the swalow.. (eaven if all planes are aligned to the airstream)....
the problem with this solution is that the paper dont bend, so if you create a plane witch just is a unfolded paper, it will stay flatt.. :-)
any ideas?

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