
any coments on this idea?

Started by May 12, 2003 07:43 PM
11 comments, last by bzroom 21 years, 8 months ago
my buddy told me his idea for a game, and i thought it owuld be kinda cool /stupid, maybe you guys could help make it do able. you play teh game backwards, starting at the end IN REVERSE, so liek you start the game with the boss dead and u runn backwards in the exit and you have to point ur gun at the boss and "fire" like 10 tiems and each time a bullet comes back to ur gun and the boss gets healthier, and u keep runnin backwards out into the hallway where u inverse hsoot 2 guards then go into a crouch, do a backwards summersault into a feet first dive to ur feet out of a door, and u have to hit he kick button. haha it sounds reallly stupid but i think it could be really cool if someone could figure out how to do it right....
Original post by honayboyz
haha it sounds reallly stupid

Both the messenger and the message...
.dne rehto eht ta tratS .rehtie ,gniog erew uoy erehw ees ot elba eb t''ndluow uoy ,nosrep tsrif ni ti did uoy fI .htrof os dna srodirroc nwod sdrawkcab nar dna elpoep fo tuo stellub wef a dekcus ev''uoy ecno ,sdrawkcab gnieb sgniht fo pu def teg ylbaborp d''uoy ,seY ?I saw erehW .raf siht teg lliw enoyna fi rednow I .tcafni ecnayonna na emoceb ylbaborp dluow tI .elihw a retfa ffo raew ot nigeb thgim sdrawkcab gnieb gnihtyreve fo ytlevon eht tub ,nuf ekil tuo trats ylbaborp dluow ti ,onnud I
So an utterly and completely linear storyline, with no way to anticipate what you''re supposed to do. If you miss a shot, and get killed, how did you get to kill the boss in the first place? (last place)

Try again.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Wait, wait, wait, this has potential. Don't think of it as an action game. It would be more like a Simple Simon game. You see an action (in reverse, of course), and you have to match the commands that might have caused it. If you get it right, it zips to the next (previous?) action, and you have another go. Otherwise, it executes the wrong action in forward-motion, and shows your little dude getting ganked. Still not a terrific game, but maybe worth keeping in mind.

Or maybe this: Have your character be the victim of some kind of temporal anomaly, so that when he dies, he gets to go back in time and try again. So, you play the game forward, with the kung-fu and the zip-bang and the wibbity-wibbity, but when you get whacked, you don't respawn. Rather, you go into "rewind", and you can go back as many steps as you can remember, with some tolerance for error.

It eliminates the jerky restarting feeling you get when you respawn, and lets you choose when to get back into the action. You could try that one gunfight six or seven times, or give up and zip all the way back to the moment before you entered the room and look for another way around.

This idea seems to work better without the controls required to go backward. Really, it would just be a gimmick, but a good gimmick can save an otherwise mediocre idea. Remember Max Payne? Without bullet time, that game was a total piece of garbage. So, you get your Payne-style shooter/platformer/brawler, and replace the tuba music and respawn with this time inversion. You fly up out of the pits, the bullets blast back out of your body, and that big sneeze shoots right back into your nose. Then you can try sneaking along the rafter without alerting the guards.

It's a salvageable contribution to the boards, if you employ a little imagination. Cool the flame-jets, fellas.

[edited by - Iron Chef Carnage on May 12, 2003 9:13:50 PM]
maybe instead of one huge max payne like game it could be a lot of short series, like levels, first it plays an animation and u ahve to do it backwards like i said, and then once u get it right you move on and they get more difficult, like simmon says. but backwards.
Original post by g
.dne rehto eht ta tratS .rehtie ,gniog erew uoy erehw ees ot elba eb t''ndluow uoy ,nosrep tsrif ni ti did uoy fI .htrof os dna srodirroc nwod sdrawkcab nar dna elpoep fo tuo stellub wef a dekcus ev''uoy ecno ,sdrawkcab gnieb sgniht fo pu def teg ylbaborp d''uoy ,seY ?I saw erehW .raf siht teg lliw enoyna fi rednow I .tcafni ecnayonna na emoceb ylbaborp dluow tI .elihw a retfa ffo raew ot nigeb thgim sdrawkcab gnieb gnihtyreve fo ytlevon eht tub ,nuf ekil tuo trats ylbaborp dluow ti ,onnud I

Yeah, I don''t think you could do something like that first person, I was thinking a side-scroller. At most I think you could only do it with a short flash game or something, cause like you said, the novelty would wear off pretty quick.

Continue Yes Delete Skip Undo File Done

Radical Racers
It would be just like a real fps but unstead of going fowerd you would turn around all the images and have every thing poting backwords. Dont seam that hard to me.
It could be someone who loose his mind and trying to find out who he was,so he need to go backward....

Not bad!

"...and we all know what "undefined" means: it means it works during development, it works during testing, and it blows up in your most important customers' faces."----------Scott Meyers, "Effective C++"
It would make a good plot device, in where you kill the last boss, then the game rewinds and you see him killing your wife, and you blast up a few of his baddies. It then rewinds to have you flying into his fortress in a gun ship, where you proceed to complete the level. After doing that level, it goes back to the mission where you must steal a gunship, and so forth. Kinda like that movie ''Memento''. Im 100% sure that when the director of that movie said "Hey! Lets make a movie, BUT IN REVERSE!!" he was thrown into the gutter.

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