Silvermyst and other who might read this, what do you think of the no classes, no levels etc?
If it doesn''t serve a specific purpose, do away with it. This applies to every game element. If classes are needed in a certain design, use them. I just don''t think classes/races/levels/etc are elements that necessarily have to go into every game, even if the game will end up carrying an RPG label.
The clan hierarchy can be insanely complex.
Persolly, I prefer to let each player decide for themselves what system they want to use. If they want a true democratic system (just so you know, the US is NOT a democracy, though most people seem to think it is), let each group member have the ability to cast one vote on each issue. Some players may want to be dictators, making all the decisions for themselves. It''s up to the design to create a system that will allow for all these many different types of clans.
What would stop a player from accumulating power infinitely then?
Why would you want to stop a player from accumulating power infinitely?
If there is no threat to his PC’s? A wise player would play and then log out while accumulating fantastic wealth and power. Besides if a player logs out other players in his hierarchy can take over portions of command for him.
Ah, I misunderstood. In my opinion, players should have the choice to
a) log out
b) leave character(s) logged in
Option a should remove all player''s characters from game and place them in safe haven. Option b would leave character(s) behind, risking their lives, but giving them a chance to do some of the more mundane things in the character''s life (find food?).
Sorry man. Money is necessary.
I disagree. Money may be necessary in the majority of designs, but NOTHING is necessary in an individual design.
Bartering is just plain annoying without currency to back it up.
People barter. Why couldn''t PCs?
Plus its just handy to have around.
That''s not good enough of an argument to warrant money. Only use that which is absolutely necessary. If you want players to be able to acquire goods from others, use money when you want them to acquire lots of goods, but you can do with bartering if the average exchange of goods only happens once or twice a day. Bartering makes for a much more interesting game world.
Except for the fact that there are only going to be only a few NPC monsters for players to interact with. The game world is huge (trust me) and this number of players will be necessary to give it a living feel.
By ''interact'', do you mean ''communicate'' or ''communicate and/or fight''?
Can you suggest a better system? It has to be simple. Remember feedback left on the server takes up bandwidth and space. Ebay’s is simple and straightforward.
Ebay''s feedback system is HIGHLY corruptable. Anyone can leave you bad feedback even though it''s not warranted. Imagine a group of griefers setting out to leave bad feedback to as many people as they can. Question: what''s the feedback rating needed for?
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.