
LOTR 2003 Contest, TTT

Started by April 16, 2003 09:09 AM
59 comments, last by vincoof 21 years, 6 months ago
1st September looks good to me. Hope I get all the skills necessary till there...

I think a readme with key instructions must be mandatory. There isn''t anything worse than playing a demo and not knowing with key I press to stop that, to skip a scene, to go out, to deactivate some effect, bla bla bla...

So about the code, it is free to use anyone? I prefer that way, I guess that sticking to the basecode many people wil not go farther. But if any beginner prefer to use it, I think it must not be judged, using the basecode or not, it is all the same.


"Steel and Fire,
Spreading the Holy Word,
Dirty Liars,
The truth has never been told" - Primal Fear
"Steel and Fire,Spreading the Holy Word,Dirty Liars,The truth has never been told" - Primal Fear
Man, I haven''t been coding for quite a long time now ! Some of you might remember me from last summer. Since then, I''ve been trying to get a life. Finished my studies, found a job, an apartment, been learning how to manage huge networks (I''m a net admin now), filling tons of documents for administration... The past ten months look like a giant tornado in my memory !

But back to the subject I wanted to talk about. I don''t know yet if I''ll enter the contest, but I''ll certainly sponsor it if NeHe agrees. I don''t know yet what I''ll offer but I have a pretty good idea of the amount of money I''m willing to put in the prize.

I''ll mail NeHe about it and I guess either him or me will keep you informed.
"I have questions. Questions that need answering !" - Gandalf the gray, The fellowship of the ring
I have been coding and learning OpenGL for quite some time now, maybe it''s time to actually try to create a real product for this contest.

I like all the rules mentioned, only questions are these:

- What is the criteria that we will be judged on?

- Why should we forbid certain effects within the rules? People will just do similiar effects and start an argument over whether they are valid or not.
effects are not forbiden... you just get 0 points for originality if you use them is normal maner...

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
So ... no copyrighted material? Does that mean no Lord of the Rings music from the movie? That would suck.
“[The clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man” - Thomas Jefferson
Yeah, it does suck, that we can''t use music. But it would suck more if they sued you or NeHe for using it!
I would have rather seen a Matrix: Reloaded demo contest. But hey, maybe next time.
_________"Maybe this world is another planet''s hell." -- Aldous Huxley
Original post by James Trotter
Yeah, it does suck, that we can''t use music. But it would suck more if they sued you or NeHe for using it!

If they do, then we''ll take it out! Or maybe we can ask if we can use it ...
“[The clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man” - Thomas Jefferson
I think its more of a distribution thing - they loosing money because you are giving everyone their music. What we may be able to do is "remix" it by editing it and we could get around it that way. Not too sure though
Or you might just make your own music, that will fit to the demo... But yeah, we could ask them if it''s okay. But who do we ask?

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