
LOTR 2003 Contest, TTT

Started by April 16, 2003 09:09 AM
59 comments, last by vincoof 21 years, 6 months ago
I''ll probably be throwing my (small) hat into the ring for this, and here is some input on some issues.

- Copyright issue. As long as the material isn''t for sale, isn''t defamatory, and the coders take resposibility through disclamer. I doubt that anyone will have a problem. Or you could actually call whomever owns the rights to the movie and just explain what your doing, tell them its not for profit but merely a group of hobbyists showing off their skill. And a third alternate is to have for the next few weeks or so artists submit fan art that the coders can pull from. That way people like me who can''t draw a straight line with "Snap to Grid" have something.

- Have a couple of "classes". Open where any engine goes, closed where the basecode must be NeHe''s, and modified where a good chuck of the base code is NeHe''s. This will help get more people in to try knowing they will be able to have a shot in a different class.


-Copyrighted material must be documented and credit given.

-Code should be your own where applicable.

-7-10 MB sounds good.

-Non-interactive and Interactive classes, along with the above mentioned classes.

-Sept 1 deadline(Allow for all summer worth of work).

Some ideas about the rules

1- The theme is based the second Lord Of The Rings movie (The Two Towers), which may be a little bit different than the book.

2- The entry must be OpenGL.

3- Source code should be available. At the very least, the OpenGL-related code must be available.

4- It is a demo, not a game. The demo should run on its own, but an option can make it interactive. (must be an OPTION though).

5- The file size should be in the MegaByte-order. That is, up to 9Megs. This is the size of the zipped file, it is allowed to have a bigger entry when unzipped.

6- Copyrighted material should contain all necessary disclaimer. In general, NeHe should not be taken responsible for the contents of any entry.

7- It is preferred to submit a Win32 entry (not mandatory)
Sounds good... might get around to making a demo for a contest finally
Hi, I have a few considerations and a few questions about this gossip:


1) I don''t think the people from the LOTR publisher will mind if copyrighted material is used. Look at the first LOTR contest...many of them used a ring that looked really similar to the film and noone said nothing about that...And there are many people who even don''t know to draw in PaintBrush, this people will be in disadvantage.

2) I think no effects limit must be used in the contest. If for someone it''s ok to use metaballs, go there and use. But be warned that more cliche the demo gets less the chances for winning it will have.

3) September for the dead line is ok, I think 7 megas is a huge amount, 5 will be ok.

4) About the code, I think people can use any ccode they want, but no discrimination must be made if one uses basecode or his own code. What matters is the level of the effects and the demo, not how it was coded.


1) The GLUT library may be used in the demos? The glut32.dll will need to be shipped along with the zip file, thats for true, then it''s allowed?
"Steel and Fire,Spreading the Holy Word,Dirty Liars,The truth has never been told" - Primal Fear
The GLUT library is free. You can redistribute it as long as you give credit to where its due. The same goes to other libs like SDL.

This makes me thinking of an another rule :
- all necessary resource should be included in the zip file in order to compile it from scratch. If you''re using GLUT, include glut.h, glut32.lib and glut32.dll in the zip file. Visitors should not need to download additional libraries to make the demo run AND compile on its own.
I do not think that it should be a requirement to start from the NeHe basecode. So far there is only basecode for C/C++ and Delphi. However, those are not the only languages that can use OpenGL.
In fact, I am hoping to have an entry for this contest, and since I am in the process of learning C# I will probably attempt to use the CsGL wrapper so that I can code my demo using C#. So having it be a requirement that you use the basecode would limit your choice of languages.
As for all the overly used effects like metaballs and such, I think that having a strict enforcement of the theme would disqualify most of those type of entries. Unless of course you can come up with a way to use them, and still have a TTT theme.

An interesting comprimise: For every piece of copyrighted art you use you must post a piece of your own art (or possibly code) online for all contestants. We chould manage this system through eproject. Whenever you post something you must email NeHe to register the post. In the end, the amount of copyrighted material is tallyed and if it exceeds the amount submitted, you are disqualified.

I dont think we should do this but its an idea.
Original post by llvllatrix
An interesting comprimise: For every piece of copyrighted art you use you must post a piece of your own art (or possibly code) online for all contestants. We chould manage this system through eproject. Whenever you post something you must email NeHe to register the post. In the end, the amount of copyrighted material is tallyed and if it exceeds the amount submitted, you are disqualified.

I dont think we should do this but its an idea.

But what about us art challanged? If I can only use art I create I hope ol mr stickman is good enough, because thats about the extent of my art skills.

Well, my2cents on the new suggestions...

I think that everyone should start from the basecode, to not get an advantage over everyone that does not have an amazing engine to show off...
I also think that it should be judged after originality. This would also give the people that decide to use metaballs, and other over-used effects, a disadvantage.
And I think that copyrighted art should not be allowed. I''m not clever at creating art myself, but I will give it a try anyway.
Anything between 5 and 10 megs should be more than enough.

But what about us art challanged? If I can only use art I create I hope ol mr stickman is good enough, because thats about the extent of my art skills.

could submit code?

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