
Evil Bunnies

Started by May 30, 2000 07:23 PM
28 comments, last by SeanHowe 24 years, 3 months ago
How about giving it a chainsaw?
Or maybe a necklace of rabbit-ears?

And give it red, bloodshot eyes. A really manical stare, and maybe a grin. And let it drool a bit!
Anybody heard of Jump n Bump by BrainChild Design?
That''s as good an example as any of evil bunnies. "but they look so innocent"


Maybe give him some roughed-up fur on the back of his neck using sharp jagged lines. If you give him pupils (sometimes it''s cooler without them), have it so he looks like he''s glaring at you from the corner of his eye.

Give it NEW AOL CDs Version 5.0 as a weapon.

that would take its evilness up a notch.



A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
Yay! Evil bunnies! Gotta love it!

Give 'em a gun!

E:cb woof!

Edited by - dog135 on June 1, 2000 8:08:07 PM
E:cb woof!
quote: Original post by ImmaGNUman
Give it NEW AOL CDs Version 5.0 as a weapon.

I wonder if all music CDs from Time Warner will come with AOL 5+ on track 1. Now that would be evil

- n8

Edited by - nathany on June 1, 2000 10:37:24 PM
Nice bunny, dog... u available to do art for a game? That art was meant for the game, because I haven''t been able to find an artist. But, if you''d like to do the art....
The game is a side person shooter, basically. It''s called Bunnies At War 2: Bunnies In Space. You can check out the first one on my signature, but, it''s not near as good as the second one will be, and uses (blech), SpriteLib.

Bunnies At War - A new wave in bunnydom! BAW Homepage
Looks like a radioactive bunny to me.
How is it that some of you chaps are able to post the snazzy pic''s?

As Mr Cup always says,
''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
As Mr Cup always says,''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
You can too, mr cup. If you have a web page, just upload the pic to it and use html to display it on your message.

SeanHowe, I would, but I can't. I already tried to help someone else with their game art and I just couldn't draw the sprites. To small! If I draw something full size and shrink it down, it looses all of it's detail.

Like this:

And this is at a height of 64 pixels. Most sprites are 32. (I noticed yours is taller though)

That, and I can't draw a scarry creature to save my life!

E:cb woof!

Edited by - dog135 on June 6, 2000 7:12:15 PM
E:cb woof!

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