
3d- Shooting

Started by May 25, 2000 07:12 AM
2 comments, last by Chucky666 24 years, 7 months ago
did somebody wrote a 3d-shooter and tell me a method or source or just a tutorial? chucky
do you speakeh engleh?
whats a signature?
If you''re interested in the source for 3D-shooters you can get the source-code for Quake and QuakeIII (possibly QuakeII as well, but I''m not sure) at planetquake.

But unless you''ve got a pretty good overview over how a 3D-shooter is built up it might not be of much use.

~Death awaits you all, with nasty, big, pointy teeth~
>> do you speakeh engleh? <<

Oh come on, Chucky is from Germany and his native language is probably German, so you can't expect his English to be perfect. You can't expect anyone's English to be perfect

/. Muzzafarath
Visit my website, Mad House Software

Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant! - May barbarians invade your personal space!

Edited by - Muzzafarath on May 27, 2000 2:10:42 PM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall

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