quote: Original post by boolean
I have been thinking a lot about this aswell. I think the best three games that have handled save games are:
1. Soldier of fortune: Just gives you 3-5 save games you can use as the game progresses. It works well, since you get cocky and think, ''ah, I will clear out this room then save'', only to go in and get blown away. When you have to restart it feels more like something stupid you did, and not a gripe with the game
2. Resident evil: Similar to the above, but there are set places you can save, and only certain amount of times. This really added to the suspense, since when you have only 3% health left, are lost, have bugger all ammo, and know that the closest save point is on the other side of the level, you can become so tense and paranoid while slowly crawling through the level, just waiting for something to jump out its crazy!!
3. Halo: Good in the way that it avoids the repition problem, and takes the concentraion of saving of the player, but does make the game a bit easy.
I believe the suggestion above about continuing where you left off is how Diablo 1 worked, and it worked very well. You had just one save game. If you save, it overwrites the old one.
See all those are good systems for permanent saving, but im more or less saying add a "pause" option in the game wher you can turn your machine off and then "unpause" it when you turn it back on. Belive me, somtimes in games like that it can be a long time between saving permanently. And it frustratem me having to turn it off and goto bed, and then have to get back to wher i was in the morning.