
I'm appalled

Started by May 19, 2000 08:36 PM
40 comments, last by Myopic Rhino 24 years, 4 months ago
quote: Quote from anonymous poster
it''s funny how firahs agrees with with rhino about this when firahs is one of the main people doing . I have seen posts of his for quite a while now and I don''t think I''ve seen one intelligent post come from him. gee no wonder some people say programmers havn''t got lives. firahs has been proving it!!!!!!!!!!

I admit that most of my posts dont directly deal with helping people.

But here''s the thing, the "uh, no" thread had no meaning at all, it was just eating up server space and being annoying on the board. Most of my posts are a response to someone else''s post, i really dont start discussions.

Oh, and another thing. Trying to insult me or make me look bad under anonymity is really really really lame. If you wish to address me, just use your registered handle, Id be glad to hear your opinions and maybe fix some of the things i do that annoy people, capish?

I read the uh, no posts and they were funny and fun, I''m just sad that I was not here when they were happening, I was late but still added a post for good measure. Stress releif is stress releif.

the Lounge:
Chat about anything you feel like. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ABOUT GAME DEVELOPMENT! Also the place for newbies to post.

I think that really says it all.. if we aren''t supposed to babble once in a while (or everyday) then tell us. But personally, programming and learning this stuff causes my brain to get full, and sometimes the stupidity gets pushed out all over the place.. and I''ll just say that I''m sorry I got some on your forum.
I confess too. I posted about 58 messeges of crap. make me an initate agin if you really want, I dont care about the status. if i did, i wouldn''t have gone to bed, instead i would have lasted for the whole 28 pages.

Dave: I see you dont moderate the boards very often. the thread started on the 12th of may!! 7 days of mindless crap before you noticed. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM....

pouya: you''ll have to gimmie your e-mail address, cuz you''re the first person i know who can talk as much crap as me.

I think that deleting threads like "Uh, no" really destroys the spirit of these forums. Just becuase one person doesn''t like it, it gets deleted, and then all the spineless morons back him up for fear of their status being reset. It says talk about anything you like, so we did. And you didn''t like it. Maybe it should have been "Talk about anything you like as long as I like it" or something similar.

/me is very disapointed


May your life be like toilet paper! long and useful...
MENTAL : my email and my ICQ number are there in my details section

- pouya
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.
quote: Original post by MENTAL
Dave: I see you dont moderate the boards very often. the thread started on the 12th of may!! 7 days of mindless crap before you noticed. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM....

I usually check messages at least 3 times a day. I had looked at the thread several times in the beginning, and it wasn''t bad at the time, and didn''t appear to be headed in that direction, so I didn''t really feel the need to follow it after that.

quote: Original post by MENTAL
I think that deleting threads like "Uh, no" really destroys the spirit of these forums. Just becuase one person doesn''t like it, it gets deleted, and then all the spineless morons back him up for fear of their status being reset. It says talk about anything you like, so we did. And you didn''t like it. Maybe it should have been "Talk about anything you like as long as I like it" or something similar.

/me is very disapointed

I think posting to threads like uh oh really destroys the spirit of these forums. I''ve heard from numerous people who come here to discuss and learn about game development, but they''ve been turned off by posts such as these. That''s a huge problem, people.

I delete one post and suddenly I''m Stalin. I rarely ever delete posts here. The uh, oh thread probably wasn''t the worst, but it went on for 26 pages. That''s just ridiculous.

As I''ve said before, I don''t mind off-topic posts. This forum was created for it; I wrote the description. Just keep it in check. Server space, processor time, and bandwidth are not unlimited resources, and "real" posts tend to get lost in the midst of pointless posts.

I''m disappointed that some of you can''t spend a second deciding whether a post belongs here, where everyone can see it, or in a personal e-mail or ICQ message. It means I have to spend time checking every post every day, instead of doing things I''d like to spend my time on. I shouldn''t have to do that, you should all be able to moderate yourselves.

quote: Original post by MENTAL
6 banners * 300 posts = 1800 more banners. 1800 + 1800 = 3200 banners. Now, how much money do you get dave?

Gross, a little less than $3. Net, pretty much nothing. And considering that it made up around 0.2% of our total, I don''t care anyway.
Hmm useless crap vs. not useless crap. Nice issue we have here.
Frankly, my posts range from very informative to very useless. Hell if someone honestly has a question or something, sure I''ll answer. If I don''t like a post, hell I''ll give out some constructive critcism. If there''s some post that''s positively useless, hell I''ll join in and have some fun too.
And this is what the GDnet lounge is...a chatroom of sorts for all of us posters. I agree that some stuff should be excluded (c''mon posting a picture of yourself 15 times IS a bit too much, no names here). But that line should be drawn by each and every one of us. If someone has a problem behaving, then that''s Rhino''s job to reprimand he has done here.
We all get carried away, oh hell...and who hasn''t come to this room to relax for 5 minutes and read some funny posts and reply?
To all the people who say this doesn''t belong in GameDev? Doesn''t it? Think of it, we do have a community of sorts here and we all know each other...we have similar interests etc. So why can''t we congregate here as a group? Do we all really have to split up into a bunch of foreign boards and chatrooms to go have some fun?

As for all these people making apologies like crazy....geez you make me sick. You can say you''re sorry but frankly said stand up for yourselves, and for what you said. Don''t wipe your account because of something like that. Or are you a person that changes their identity everytime they make a mistake? I stand by everything I say, and if I''m wrong I''ll admit it. But maybe that''s just me.

Ok and as far as posting status goes...I quote from the FAQ..."These levels were chosen to reflect a user''s activity level, not necessarily their knowledge of game development. A higher ranking does not mean that a particular user is better in any way. It just means that they have made more posts. You should not make posts merely for the purpose of reaching a higher level! Any posts that obviously fit that category will be deleted, and doing so repeatedly may result in the termination of your account. "

Now what we see here is the sentence about not posting with the intent to raise your status. I think the ''Uh, no'' topic wasn''t about that one (that was just having fun)...however certain people (no names again) posting a one line meaningless sentence in every topic do fit that category.
Personally I don''t give a damn about status...and IMHO anyone that does...well I dunno.

(IOU 2 cents)

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
If they wanted to learn about game development, then why were they in the GDNet Lounge, which is for general talk about anything. Hell, there are 7 or so forums set up for game development. Maybe those people shouls read befroe complaining.

Why would someone be put off by one topic? It was not as if they HAD to read it. it wasn''t automatically fed into their browser when the page loaded. The only extra trouble they had was that instead of Page 1 2 3 comming up they had Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

stat time
8 bits per extra number:

4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 = 40 characters

8 * 40 = 240 more bits to download, or 40 more bytes. SHOCK! HORROR!. another fraction of a second before the page loads!

I never said you were stalin. you would be starlin if you deleted every little thing you didn''t like. if you had just CLOSED the thread then everyone would be happy. instead, you''ve upset 3 very loyal gamedev fans and started another argument off. Congratulations.

You say that this generated a lot of bandwidth, but what about the MP3 Beating compression post. this was someone being very dumb and then 20+ pages of people repeating the compression theory. did this post get deleted? NO. was anyone given a warning? NO. just because a few people in the wrong forum to start off with complain you turn into the evil overlord and flex your mouse power.

This "room" is about talking about things that you want to, not about programming. Me, pouya and the others did. We were having FUN, but you obviously couldn''t take a joke. It''s a shame, because now people are arguing about a post that they never even saw (personally i think that proves my spineless and "follow the leader" point quite well).

You cant honestly tell me you made $3 from 3200 banners, can you? that would mean that you''re getting $0.0009375 for every banner that is displayed. I think you need to find a new banner company.

Have you also noticed that this thread has now gone over into 2 pages. thats another byte for the reader to download. More bandwidth used up, more presious space gone...

I''m hoping for a reply, not my topic deleted Dave.

pouya, if you have a copy of the Uh, No thread in your temp internet files, could you e-mail me a copy? I want a perminent referance .


Notice how your quote has gone?
Author Topic : Shez a ..............

Posted - 20 May 2000 3:09:21 PM
Shez a blonde , and sez very very sexy , I guess you can call her a foxymoron .

I''m just a ghetto child trying to make , Mama wont pray for your baby ...........

Oh dear dave, another mindless topic. go delete it now or else that will be another thing i can hold against you. someone has already replied. threaten to have their account frozen.


PS: this was not a post go get my status up before you start. I saw a mindless post and thought dave should know about it.
quote: Original post by m1dn1ght

As for all these people making apologies like crazy....geez you make me sick. You can say you're sorry but frankly said stand up for yourselves, and for what you said. Don't wipe your account because of something like that. Or are you a person that changes their identity everytime they make a mistake? I stand by everything I say, and if I'm wrong I'll admit it. But maybe that's just me.

Hey, I'm getting the feeling people don't like the fact that I changed my Identity (I explained why earlier). After I changed my identity, my very first post was to this thread saying that I was JonHobson. If I wanted to distance my self from Uh, No I wouldn't have said who I was would I?

You say "I stand by everything I say, and if I'm wrong I'll admit it." Well thats just what I was doing. Face it the Uh, No thread was fun, it was amusing, but it was too long. Its sort of like the cartoons in newspapers, they're cool but you don't want to see them plastered on the front page!

Anyway this thread is causing more flames than Uh, No ever did!

On a completely different note, in the Uh, No thread I said that I was going to make a program to make funky coloured HTML sigs. Here it is Sigtool its fairly simple but anyone can use it to make a cool sig.

-- Kazan - Fire Mountain Games --

Edited by - Kazan on May 20, 2000 3:33:08 PM

This topic is closed to new replies.
