
I'm appalled

Started by May 19, 2000 08:36 PM
40 comments, last by Myopic Rhino 24 years, 4 months ago
So, I''ve been busy working on other parts of the site, and haven''t been paying much attention to the forums. I just had a look at the uh-oh thread, and promptly deleted it. Don''t you people have better things to do than post just for the sake of posting? It wasn''t just that thread either. This forum has been choked with meaningless banter lately. Granted, this is the place for off topic discussion, but the idea was that you''d still be discussing SOMETHING. Most of the posts I''ve seen here lately are not even that. If this continues, I''ll just start deleting threads, and if there are individuals that continue to take these forums for granted by posting only meaningless prattle, their accounts will be frozen. Right, carry on. Dave
ummm, we were actually dicussing some ideas in that "uh, no" thread. ok, it wasn''t anything important, but still... we made world''s first broswer based instant messanger!!!

ok, i agree with you and i knew that you weren''t going to read the whole thing (if you did read it we actually mentioned that you''re going to delete the thread)

i dont know, it just doesn''t feel good to see everything is gone

- pouya
May your life be like toilet paper! long and useful...
99% of that thread was pure crap, and you were a major contributor. I''m not about to take the time to delete only the stupid posts, so if I threw the baby out with the bath water, too bad.
it''s ok. i will go to a chat room the next time i wanted to do that.
but do you realize you''re actually taking a part in this new "instant messanger" ?

- pouya
May your life be like toilet paper! long and useful...
I agree with Rhino here. Off-topic does not have to mean pointless. It''s irritating to see people constantly post crap just to rack up their post count. Don''t you guys have something better to do? Having billions of posts does not neccisarily give you status or respect.

Yeah, i have to agree with Rhino.

Although most of my posts have been in this forum, its just been me replying to stuff in a couple of threads that i was following, i dont want to have so many posts as it puts me in the light of criticism...most of the posts in the "Uh, no" thread didnt make any sense, and taking up server space with that non-sense is not good. If you want to do that stuff, just get the dude''s icq number, flooding the server with the stuff is just inconvenient to the people who run it and the people who read it.

that wasn''t the reason we were posting all that. I don''t give a damn about my status in the forum. The point was to have some fun.
I''m sitting here at home and i''m alone, all o my friends are busy with their own plans (projects, homwwork, family, date, whatever..) and i have nothing to do here. I come to the GDNet discussion forums to read some messages or to possibly answer some things and I come across this thread that looks totally pointless to me, but still interesting enough to make me reply to it. after a while i see there''s someone else there (probably with an story like mine) who is constantly replying to my messages. so we start posting messages for nothing (just to past the time somehow and have some fun in our loneliness) anyway, other people start joining us for their own reasons and we get to the point that we have 28 pages of messages with a very tiny amount of "usefull" discussion. Now I spent my time somehow and i really had fun during that "crap posting" and the moderator comes and obviously doesn''t get happy with having such a thing in the discussion board, so he deletes it and asks us not to post such a thing again. ok, i agree with that. but that doesn''t mean that you can come here and start flaming us by saying that we did this for "other" reasons (sounds like this is the only thing you can think about)
Now if you guys (and you dave) think that i''m doing this just for having better status or respect, i can just leave here and never come back to such a disuccion board again. I have no interest in staying in a community that keeps behaving with me like that. and dont think that i need to come to this site for getting information. there are tons of other resources on internet (on in the library) and i can go and use them. The whole point of having a "GameDevelope Network" was to bring people (programmers, dont have to be game developers) together. I dont think you were planning to insult some of people who come here or start flaming them.

- pouya
May your life be like toilet paper! long and useful...
I have to admit, I did start some dim posts on nothing, JUST becuase other ppl were and getting away with it.
Oh, then all this meaningless posts aren''t normal?? Hehehe, today was the first day I entered in this forum, and I saw posts like "Pizza" and "My view of a Female nerd.", and found it pretty cool! A place to relax, to forget a little about all the programming stuff... But now Myopic Rhino said "This forum has been choked with meaningles banter lately."... bah! I thought that this forum was always like that :/

  • "When everything goes well, something will go wrong."

  • Nicodemus.----"When everything goes well, something will go wrong." - Murphy

    Come on..The Pizza thread was meaningless bullshit.

    A thread like that is a waste of my time.

    I agree with Rhino 100%. There has to be some sort of topic in a thread. Not just "I ate a pizza...Boy did it taste good!!"........

    -- There IS something rotten in the state of Denmark --
    -------------Ban KalvinB !

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