
I'm appalled

Started by May 19, 2000 08:36 PM
40 comments, last by Myopic Rhino 24 years, 4 months ago

it''s funny how firahs agrees with with rhino about this when firahs is one of the main people doing . I have seen posts of his for quite a while now and I don''t think I''ve seen one intelligent post come from him. gee no wonder some people say programmers havn''t got lives. firahs has been proving it!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should have kept the thread, but CLOSED it, not deleted it. It was a good laugh. I bet if Dave was there he would have joined in with us, trying to get page 18 (claimed by me) and agreeing when we said we were all sad. Maybe not...

dont dis the thread, it was good. if youy want to blame anyone, blame ericlong or whatever his name was who started the thread, as he got us all in the mood for 20 odd pages of pointless crap.

somehow i managed to post 60 odd messages that day on the same thread. oh well...

(continues from previous post)

What is wrong with having a pointless topic? If someone doesn''t want to read it, then they dont have to. Besides, it benefitted GameDev anyway because of all the money in advertising banners.

To view the page: 2 banners
Reply: 2 banners
New page: 2 banners

2+2+2 = 6 * 300 posts = 1800 banners. then we have refreshing the page for new messages, on average 3 refreshes before post.

3 refresh: 6 banners

6 banners * 300 posts = 1800 more banners. 1800 + 1800 = 3200 banners. Now, how much money do you get dave?

Sorry pouya but i''ve stolen your quote


May your life be like toilet paper! long and useful...
you know what i hate the most about you guys? you change your opinion (or pretend like you changed it) just because the moderator didn''t like us posting meaningless messages in this meaningless forum.
I doubt if anyone was annoyed by that thread (except dave who had to read all o the crap) bur again: if you dont like to read something, you dont HAVE to read it.

I agree that the uh no thread shouldn''t have been in the top 25 hottest topic of all times and I have no problem with the topic being deleted either. My problem is why should you guys come here and start talking AT us like you have been badly annoyed by that and you''re trying to blame it on us somehow?

I''m not going to signup with another name like what jon did. and if anyone has problem with me being a "saint" because of that crap posting, i wont post any more messages in this forum.

As I said before: may all of your lives be like toilet paper...
My message wasn''t directed purely at you (although you do seem to be one of the guilty parties). Also, my post wasn''t just about the stupid "Uh No" post, it was about all the mindless crap that has been posted here in general. One dumb topic here and there is allright, but there is a limit to what''s tolerable.

I don''t understand why you seem to think that thread was something great. It wasn''t! Just because you grow bored one day *doesn''t* mean you have the right to start filling the message board with crap. If you feel like writing mindless crap, why don''t you head over to the AOL chatrooms or irc channels? I''m sure you''ll find people much more in tune with you there.

Can''t we all just get along? How about a compromise? Rhino, how about a special section for silly posts? That way "serious" game programmers can "just look at code all day" and the "happy go lucky" game programmers can have their "own little village" while looking at code if they want to. Clearly the silly post take up enough space to warrant a separate forum link. Just a suggestion instead of all the judging and flaming going on.
"If you build it, it will crash."
Well to be honest Pouya I was going to change my username anyway. I think JonHobson is too formal for a username, and I was feeling guilty about being a zealot when I didn''t really deserve it.

I think that some people are just moaning for the sake of it though. The bottom line is that all the useless threads in this forum have had titles such as "Uh, No" and "Pizza". You don''t have to be a genius to work out these posts are just random chatter. If you aren''t amused by threads like those then don''t read them. Anyone who read the useless threads and then complained about them wasting their time, can you please explain to me why you bothered to read them? (exept for the moderator, whom I sympathise with).

The reason that I apologised is the moderators objection. After all it''s the moderators that give up their spare time doing us the favour of keeping these forums running. When we were posting on the thread I thought that no one minded because it was up for 2 days without any complaints. Obviously Rhino did mind the post, he told us at the start of this thread why he objected to the thread and because I had posted on that thread I apologised. I would rather the moderators had the time to update the rest of the site that will benefit the whole community instead of spending hours moderating a massive post that is only amusing to a handful of people.

---------- JonHobson ----------
Hmm... I admit to being another one of the guilty parties...

However I''d like to point out that I too had fun doing it, event though it was absolutely stupid and childish (which btw we mentioned several times, along with asking each other whether it would be deleted or not). However had we been doing it just for the sake of racking up our post count (which I don''t believe anyone was doing) the posts would have been even more mindlessly stupid, and people would have been hitting the reply to post button without stopping...

But I don''t think something like that should happen here again... though it was fun


YOu were expecting something funny, weren't you!
J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
I agree with NickGA, lets just forget about that. why do we have to keep fighting on that?

- pouya
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.
I''d have to say that every once and awhile I get the urge to post a stupid message (e.g. something about, say, the current statisitics on rabbit flatulence in the state of Kansas), but good taste always convinces me otherwise. I have more important things to do with my time, like counting my ass hairs (which, by the way, are far fewer in number than the amount of times that I have come to the GameDev site, read the top 2-3 posts, and, annoyed by their banality, promptly left the site).
------When thirsty for life, drink whisky. When thirsty for water, add ice.

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