If you don''t know how MUDs work then just don''t bother responding, k?
What MUD codebase are you referring to? I refer to DikuMUD and it''s common derivatives. I''d never play a mud that didn''t take my entire input. But hey, that''s just me. What is ''k''? Did you forget how to spell ''okay''?
It''s not a problem. Ask Pouya. It''s all in Fighn''s head. TCP packets aren''t the fragile pieces of glass he''d like to pretend they are. Text completion is a handy routine anyway. Again, ask Pouya.
Who is Pouya and why would I care? The name is Fingh, btw, please spell it correctly if you''re going try to flame me. And I never said anything about "TCP packets" because that nomenclature is complete ass-wipery. Please use direct quotes from my posts from now on if you''re going to use my name, because you continually misquote me.
"That sounds ineffective compared to having a header at the beginning of the message."
And yet MUDs never use a header because Telnet doesn''t support them smart guy.
And you still don''t understand what a protocol is... it really is laughable that you argue about things you don''t know about. MUDs use a header. It''s called ASCII. Typically (Diku, et. al.)the first space delimited string is the command type. Consider that ''command'' string your header. Just like with a binary encoded ''header'' you have to recv() until you have enough to use. This is a streaming issue, not a "packet"
He and you are both a complete waste of time.
Are you done trolling and demonstrating your complete lack of any knowledge in this area?
Please quote references that discount the things I''ve said in regards to TCP and UDP. Some places to look would be Stevens, Comer, Jacobson, RFCs etc. Attacks are worthless(seriously, I don''t like to think about people laughing at your lack of demonstrated knowledge).
Post facts please, not drivel. User quotes rather than misquotes.
And yes, I just fed the troll.