
Ominous Online RPG - 2D Animator(s) needed.

Started by February 17, 2003 01:23 AM
1 comment, last by Lethalanvas 21 years, 11 months ago
Ominous is a Massively Mulitplayer Online RPG using the Game Maker system. Things have been tough with our art department (as a group, we have been quite demanding in terms of quality), and because of the specific style we are looking for, we have been unable to secure a new artist who can keep up with the rest of us. Again, the lines are open for anyone who wants to help us finish this great project. We're moving a piece at a time, and focusing on small steps. We are very organized, and can easily accomodate a new (or 2) members to our team. We're looking for character designers and animators. Check out our website for details about our project, and the position: Take a look at the screenshots there, and you can see the sort of style we are going for. [edited by - Lethalanvas on February 17, 2003 2:56:20 AM]
Wow, I looked a bit into GameMaker once, but it didn''t appear as if you could do something like THAT with it. Looks really good.

I''m not much of an artist I''m afraid, but I wish you luck.
Thanks FiveFootFreak. Yes it was quite a task getting this far, but all the difficult coding is done (net code) and it runs perfectly. All that is left is the game-play code and interactions between players and non-players.

Thanks again, for the kind words. Hopefully, we''ll find someone as excited about doing this game as we are!

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