
possibility of a LOTR:TT demo contest..

Started by February 13, 2003 04:27 AM
35 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years ago
Looks great. In white plastic it''s not very realistic, but I guess with a very dark color and bathed in flames would look very good !

What do you mean by "many polygons" ? 100 ? 1000 ? 10K ?
In total there are 1344 triangles in the model - thats its poly count. The file size is small - 108 kb - gotta love vector based graphics.
That''s a very good polycount. Can''t wait to see it textured
Spent the last hour jointing the balrog and i just posted the update. Now you can play around with him and pose him any which way you like. You can also animate him. Email me ( is you find any error (forgot to goint a vertex or something) with the jointing and ill fix it. Still looking for those also going to experiment with a few particle effects...hopefully it'll look good when it's done.

Forgot to mention - look up to see the new balrog - i changed the graphic

[edited by - llvllatrix on February 25, 2003 11:40:11 PM]
Changed the balrog once again - fixed the face up. Take a look at my previous posts and you''ll see what i mean. Just download the balrog again to get the new one. Sorry if i inconvienienced anyone trying to texture it - this is the last change, i promise...until it is textured that is.
nice , the only concern I have is that it would require rendering without backface culling... but otherwise very nice indeed. keep up the good work

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