It would be great if a rule was imposed so that you may only submit your own work, i.e. you must create your own textures, models, and possibly sounds, this gives people a fair oppotunity to demonstrate their other talents other than programming.
I remember NeHe saying the contrary a year ago : he didn''t want people to be stopped by material. Barely, the idea is : you''re good at computer graphics ? that''s good - go create your own textures ! you''re bad at music ? not a problem - go pick a music on the web, but ASK FOR AUTHORIZATION. Don''t be stuck : we all know we can not be good at programming AND graphics AND sound AND etc.
In other words, you choose either to spend time creating your own content or spend time asking for someone else''s content.
A thing I think should be noted is that it''s better to create your own content even if it''s crap. Why ? Because YOU create it, so YOU make sure it fits to the demo. When you get a texture or a music from the web, the "style" does not necessarily fit to the demo and that makes the demo heterogeneous and looks weird IMO.
Perhaps there should be 2 classes of entries - 1) fully original, 2) contains non-original material any give best-of-class prestige voting as well as a single prize.
From what I''ve seen so far, mutiple-class contest is not easy to manage. Moreover it would divide by two the number of entries (for each class) since I doubt everyone will make two demos.
About the metaballs/ fractals subject, the answer is simple : don''t care. Someone can make a billion of awesome metaballs in realtime, but if you don''t see a ring or an orc : that entry won''t get even a single vote ! But if someone uses metaballs for instance to simulate rain and mud on the battle field (it''s too heavy to use metaballs for rain, but that''s just the idea) it can be damn cool ! So I agree with ||v||atrix.