We can also start (NeHe administrating) a free account on eproject express so that anyone in the contest can share files.
I''m sorry but I don''t get what you mean by "share files". Would you like entrants to "share" their work before the end of the contest ?
Im not sure but i think we are leagally able to use copyrighted material if we dont make revenue off it. Its sort of like fan art.
The law is not perfectly clear about that, depending on which you country you are and where the content ends.
There are 3 types of copyrights :
- classified copyrighted material. you''d better get the permission before using the data, no matter where it ends up.
- unknown origin material, or very old material (generally : "very old" means more than 50 years or so). you can do anything you want with that.
- known, recent material, but not copyrighted. for instance you draw a picture and don''t take the hassle of looking for copyrights. legally, everybody is allowed to use that, but authorization is welcomed.
When you don''t know which copyright applies to some material, I''m afraid you have to assume by default that the copyright is the strongest.
It really p*sses me off when other take commercial stuff.
Same here, but not so rude language

The thing being, NeHe can not really control if ppl really asked authorizations or not. At best he can disqualify the demo (but still demo is online), and at worst he can refuse the entry to be published.