
possibility of a LOTR:TT demo contest..

Started by February 13, 2003 04:27 AM
35 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years ago

We can also start (NeHe administrating) a free account on eproject express so that anyone in the contest can share files.

I''m sorry but I don''t get what you mean by "share files". Would you like entrants to "share" their work before the end of the contest ?


Im not sure but i think we are leagally able to use copyrighted material if we dont make revenue off it. Its sort of like fan art.

The law is not perfectly clear about that, depending on which you country you are and where the content ends.
There are 3 types of copyrights :
- classified copyrighted material. you''d better get the permission before using the data, no matter where it ends up.
- unknown origin material, or very old material (generally : "very old" means more than 50 years or so). you can do anything you want with that.
- known, recent material, but not copyrighted. for instance you draw a picture and don''t take the hassle of looking for copyrights. legally, everybody is allowed to use that, but authorization is welcomed.
When you don''t know which copyright applies to some material, I''m afraid you have to assume by default that the copyright is the strongest.


It really p*sses me off when other take commercial stuff.

Same here, but not so rude language
The thing being, NeHe can not really control if ppl really asked authorizations or not. At best he can disqualify the demo (but still demo is online), and at worst he can refuse the entry to be published.
Original post by _DarkWIng_
As for side-note: what about choosing another movie? (Matrix Relaoded, Thir13en Ghosts...)

My suggestion: The Ninth Gate - allows for a lot of good + intelligent + imaginative material to be used.


"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
well honestly the reasoning for allowing copyright materials because it allows rapid development of demos does not wash with me whatsoever. As I said my demo took 2 weeks, and that included all 70 odd images that were in it.. Coding was still the most time consuming part.
The reason it annoys me so much was that the original contest rules were really, really strick when it came to copyrighted/official material... I interperated it as demos with anything not made by the author or with permission saught would not be accepted.

I feel a ban on meta balls, fractals, knots, etc, would be very, very good for the quality of the contest. (I'm frankly sick of them, and they show no realy programming ability) IMO.

I think for consistency nehe will stick with LOTR.

| - Project-X - my mega project.. yup, still cracking along - | - adDeath - an ad blocker I made - | - email me - |

[edited by - RipTorn on February 13, 2003 4:48:29 PM]
Check out They have a free version of their service.


a ban on meta balls, fractals, knots, etc, would be very, very good for the quality of the contest

I agree, but ban is probably too harsh. I think that these effects are not appropriate for this contest. But banning them may exclude a demo that uses it appropriately. For example what if someone uses fractals to generate the tree structure of the ents - you would be denying that person entry. One of the reasons the mini-demo was so popular was because there was no theme. But im sure by now everyone is sick of those effects so if someone used them in this demo as is their demo wouldn''t be so good. I would recomend not using them.

About copyrights: I think we either all not use copyrights or all go crazy on copyrights - we need a lawyer make sure we can do that but anyway - so that everyone is on fair ground. I say we should at least try for copyrights - its the code that really counts right - and since we are trying to win the best video card we should try for the best art. I can live with not having it though...but it would be nice if we did
Yes, I REALLY hope there will be another contest! I didn''t finish my entry for the mini-demo contest, so this will be another chance to show what I can throw together, =)! But I think it would be nice to have a little long time to finish the demo, so people wouldn''t be stressing so much... I agree fully with Riptorn, and I think we should use the LOTR:TTT movie for the demo! And considering the meta balls, and fractals and knots, I don''t think many people will use them in this contest, though, they don''t quite fit in. ATI for sponsor =)... Looking forward to the contest, if there will be one!

What should we put in the letters or email if we are going to send them?
another lotr contest would be great!... but surely not for a while yet?!? we've only just had a contest!

It would be great if a rule was imposed so that you may only submit your own work, i.e. you must create your own textures, models, and possibly sounds, this gives people a fair oppotunity to demonstrate their other talents other than programming.

Just how this would be validated I don't know :S

I would also support a longer deadline, esp. since my mini contest demo was so short

[edited by - Turnip Monster on February 13, 2003 6:07:14 PM]
LOTR-TT can be a right theme for the contest(my thinking).

so far as metaballs,fractals etc... are concerned, i think if a thing can be used in a more professional manner according to the theme to support the work then its not that bad.

so far as textures/images or models are concerned, i hope the rules to be clearly saying that what is permitted and what is not.

no common basecode should be implemented through rules because it can block ones ideas and creativity(just my opinion).

in a contest, along with the great ideas and effect, the most important thing is coding. its true that textures, models, souds have their own advantages but so far as i''ve seen the winners of previous contests, i think that they are awarded for their work.

lot of people use lot of copyrighted/non-copyrighted pirated/borrowed items in their demos but normally the result mostly goes in the favor of real people(my observation).

i think i am talking too much without a proper track, infact feeling sleepy. this post is hopefully last writing before sleeping(its 4:30 of morning here). so
let me say

Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (personal)->>
Ahmed: having a mad soul...
<<-TAG: 3-D Architecture Guide (Sourceforge)->>
My thoughts exactly
I like the idea of a demo based on a Film - make things a bit more focused while still allowing plenty of room for different demos. Which film ? Anything with lots of effects I guess.

As for time taken, I spent most of the time learning how to use, and how to read the output of, the freeware Anim8or package so I could do my own models (and learn all about skeletal animation). Had I used some model-reading code from the net, and just downloaded a model from polycount, I could have done it in less than half the time (but where would the fun in that be ?). Also, I did not include music in the demo(Hugh Sanderson''s) because, frankly, I have zero musical ability. However, I''m sure I could have copied someone''s music if I wanted.

That said, we all like looking at the flashy demos that contain questionable material. Perhaps there should be 2 classes of entries - 1) fully original, 2) contains non-original material any give best-of-class prestige voting as well as a single prize.

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