Do not read if easily offended by different opinions
The only fighting game I''ve ever really got into was One Must Fall 2097 on the PC - while I admit I''ve tended to avoid the genre generally, I''ve never been sufficiently impressed by the few others I''ve played (several incarnations of Street Fighter and Tekken spring to mind) to want to play them again. Oh, and I tend to win about 60% of matches when I do play, so it''s not just sour grapes.
The Perfect Fighter.
I also must disagree. I love Tekken and the DoA series. the 3D dimensions adds for a little more depth. Are they coming from the left or the right? Should I sidestep reverse...etc... The only gripe I really have is the pace. Matchs seem not always slow but definatly stiff. It seems many 3D Translations have control issues where everything isn''t as fluid as Street Fighter is. If they can nail the fluidity then I think you''d re-think your conclusion about the whole genre.
I must definitely agree with PSWind about a lack of fluidity in many 3D fighters although a lot of this may spring from lack of experience. Personally I found combos to normally be easier to do in 2Ds then 3Ds, again probably from lack of practice. I think it is an issue though.
I liked the system in Kengo II, if anyone''s familiar with it. It was all sword work, but had a fun combo-design feature that let you build a style for your little guy, and you could block, dodge or "parry", which was really a quick grapple and disengage, which gave the game a real paper/rock/scissors feel that I enjoyed, because your muscle memory worked against you if you had a savvy opponent. Fun stuff.
There was also a skill/XP system that was very good, but not altogether necessary to the game.
There was also a skill/XP system that was very good, but not altogether necessary to the game.
Hey again, thread looks kinda dead but I had to post this. Over the weekend I played Soul Caliber 2 at the arcade, and let me tell you. That was one of the best fighters I''ve ever played. Just so you know it''s fully 3D. Camera does not get in the way, it is more fluid then any 2D or 3D fighter I''ve played before. Plus it''s not that hard to learn. Combos are also relatively easy to find once you understand what the buttons do. Sidestepping is also integrated in such a way that it doesn''t mess with your head. I encourage everyone whos posted an opinion in this thread to try it and give their feedback on it in relation to the topic.
I agree that 2D fighters are better than the 3D ones gameplay wise. 3D fighters seem really slow paced to me. On someones comment about side stepping, i''ve seen this implemented in one of the Fatal Fury games where you had the option of dodging a punch or something by moving in the distance up the screen a bit. I like the backdrops in 2D games, they add to the atmosphere (like heaps of people standing around watching). Lots of 3D fighters you only see lots of grass in the distance. I think also 3D fighters don''t have as many super powers and are more concerned with punches and kicks rather than fire balls or electricution (Blanka) or people who dance funny who are called Duck King.
I dunno, I think it''s just a personal preference thing with this topic.
Anyway here are my favourite fighters of all time :D (i forget which one in the particular series that i''ve played):
Fatal Fury
X-Men vs. Streetfighter
Sango Fighter
I dunno, I think it''s just a personal preference thing with this topic.
Anyway here are my favourite fighters of all time :D (i forget which one in the particular series that i''ve played):
Fatal Fury
X-Men vs. Streetfighter
Sango Fighter
hmm...I used to play Tekken 3 pretty regulary.
I played Tekken 4 last year and quite frankly, it was about the exact same thing, but better gfx.
Soul Calibur (1?2?)is pretty fun, you get more accessible moves. It feels alright to me.
Frankly I would like a fighter game with similar smoothness to UT does for FPS games.
So. *shrug*
I played Tekken 4 last year and quite frankly, it was about the exact same thing, but better gfx.
Soul Calibur (1?2?)is pretty fun, you get more accessible moves. It feels alright to me.
Frankly I would like a fighter game with similar smoothness to UT does for FPS games.
So. *shrug*
I like 3D a lot than 2D fighting ...
My Favorite are Virtua Fighter series...
3D fighting are mostly difficult to master. And the movement is far more variative than those in 2D. But, it''s all about preferation... Both type, IMHO, are not options to compare ...
My Favorite are Virtua Fighter series...
3D fighting are mostly difficult to master. And the movement is far more variative than those in 2D. But, it''s all about preferation... Both type, IMHO, are not options to compare ...
~ Rio Fortian ~
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