
Linked List that looks like an Array

Started by May 05, 2000 09:50 AM
13 comments, last by Yanroy 24 years, 7 months ago
I am working on a class that works like an array buy is really a linked list. I have attempted to overload the [] operators. Somehow that doesn''t work very well I have ended up with this ugly thing:

DynamicArray MyDArray;
MyDArray.SetIndex(0, 23);
Little better than an ordinary linked list, and twice as slow. Any ideas on at least getting it to this point?

MyDArray.Index(0) = 23;
My ultimate goal, which I now belive to be impossible, is to use it like a normal array. I would even settle for the following:

MyDArray(0) = 23;
For some reason I do not have a lot of luck dealing with operator overloading (even when I compile the example on the CD that came with my intro to C++ book it doesn''t work). --------------------

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Ok, what IS a linked list?

i know i should know but...

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Some sample code. It compiled under MSVC 6.
class ArrayLikeList {  protected:    class Node {      public:	int data;	Node * next;	Node(int somedata) { data = somedata; next = NULL; }    };    Node * head;    Node * tail;  public:    ArrayLikeList() { head = NULL; }    int& operator[](int n);    void InsertEnd(int i) {      if (head == NULL) {        head = new Node(i);	tail = head;      } else {	Node * temp = new Node(i);	tail->next = temp;	tail = temp;      }    }};int & ArrayLikeList::operator[](int n) {  Node * ptr = head;  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {    if (ptr != NULL) ptr = ptr->next;  }  if (ptr != NULL) return ptr->data;  else return tail->data;}int main() {  ArrayLikeList a;  a.InsertEnd(4);  a.InsertEnd(5);  a.InsertEnd(6);  printf("%d\n", a[0]);  printf("%d\n", a[1]);  printf("%d\n", a[2]);  return 0;} 
quote: Original post by JonatanHedborg

Ok, what IS a linked list?

i know i should know but...

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struct linkedlist
MYTYPE myData;
struct linkedlist *next;

In a linked list each element can be everywhere in memory, but each element excepts the last one has a pointer to the next one.

Yanroy, I think it's no good idea to handle a linked list like you do. Imagine you have to modify each element of the list. You probably would do it like this:

for(int i=0;i{

The adress of the list element must be found again each time which costs time. It would be better to have a walk-through list function like DynamicArray::WalkThrough(void (*ptr_to_function)(MYTYPE *data)).

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Edited by - ga on 5/5/00 10:46:36 AM
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This is from Bjarne Stroustrup''s "The C++ Programming Language", 3 ed., chapter 11.8 Operator Overloading: Subscripting

This is an example of a class that uses an overloaded [] operator. Its not a linked list, but the ideas can be applied to a linked list class.

class Assoc {  struct Pair {    string name;    double val;    Pair(string n = "", double v = 0) : name(n), val(v) {}  };  vector vec;  Assoc(const Assoc&);             // private to prevent copying  Assoc& operator=(const Assoc&);public:  Assoc() {}  double& operator[](const string&);  void print_all() const;};double& Assoc::operator[](const string& s){  for(vector::const_iterator p = vec.begin(); p!=vec.end(); ++p)    if(s==p->name) return p->val;  vec.push_back(Pair(s,0));    return vec.back().val;}void Assoc::print_all() const{  for(vector::const_iterator p=vec.begin(); p!=vec.end(); ++p)    cout << p->name << ": " << p->val << ''\n'';}void main(){  string buf;  Assoc vec;  while(cin>>buf) vec[buf]++;  vec.print_all();} 

oops... everytime in the above code you see "vector" it should be a vector template with the Pair struct as the first parameter.
Re: SiCrane

Awesome job! Did you have that laying around or did you just type that in?

Mind if I steal it?
I actually recently implemented linked lists in an array (two actually) for a data structures class. The way I did it was to have two arrays (or a two-column multidimensional array) and one holds the data and the other holds the index number of the next "node" in the list.

This is a really simple way to do it, but it should work fairly quickly.
Ok, so is this correct?

struct test
int number; //Test
test *next;

and then:

test data;;[n].number;

how would you btw. add "links" later? can u just malloc more memory or how do u do it?;[0].number=1;; // do they "add up"[1].numer=2;

would the above stuff work? sorry if it look stupid btw...

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=======================Game project(s)
If you want to allocate memory for something at run time and access the elements in an array like fashion then you can also do this.

int *array, numElements;numElements = 10;array = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*numElements);// to access an element just do thisarray[3] = 20;  

To utilise a multidimensional array style do this.

int **array;int numRows = 10;int numColumns = 10;array = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*numRows);for(int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)    array = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*numColumns);<br><br>array[3][6] = 34;<br>  </pre> <br><br>Edited by - Chris F on 5/5/00 2:51:32 PM    
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