
Free Licensing for an mp3 player?

Started by December 07, 2002 10:47 PM
3 comments, last by Tancients 22 years, 1 month ago
Does anyone know if one of these exists? Something that could be implimented in a game, but one doesn''t have to pay to play for a retail game.
Use Ogg Vorbis instead.
Some people argue it sounds better and has a better compression ratio. I don''t know.
See the download page.

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The thing that stinks is that only game developers use OGG Vorbis, and some audiophiles. I think that most audiophiles use monkey audio, a loss-less file format. Oh well. I''m helping the cause. I''m converting all of my .WAVs (murder to download) and mp3s into ogg vorbis. Funny name, eh?

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Ogg Vorbis? Sounds like a town of bad guy''s in an RPG.
quote: Original post by elendil67
The thing that stinks is that only game developers use OGG Vorbis, and some audiophiles. I think that most audiophiles use monkey audio, a loss-less file format. Oh well. I''m helping the cause. I''m converting all of my .WAVs (murder to download) and mp3s into ogg vorbis. Funny name, eh?

"mp3s into ogg vorbis" is A Bad Idea. Basicly you are converting from one lossy compression to another. You will have a significant loss of quality. Leave them as mp3.

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