You know what I miss? The golden era when gamers weren''t being sold "mega l33t texvoxal-shaded bio-trinear lighting parametric texture mapped 3d engeinz!!11!!!" but games.
I don''t know why, but there''s this feeling I get with games. I just can''t stand a 3D game. Why? I dunno. I just love sprite-based games. Maybe it''s because I feel 3D is taking too much of an importance, that we can never really go back now, and that way too much effort is getting put on making a mega-realistic 3D eye-orgasm.
There was a time when gamers were satisfied with sprites. There were many, many great games out there: Final Fantasy I-VI, Contra (well, Contra I was a heck of a classic; III was so-so
), Tetris, the Megaman series... I''m sure just about everyone has played one of these. If not, you''ve missed out on some of the greatest classic videogames ever.
Now, were these games 3D? Not really, unless you consider the fact some of them had backgrounds that gave the impression of death as "3D".
Gamers have gotten picky since then. Ask yourselves this: two new games are out. One of them''s a nice little 2D RPG. The story is spectacular, the character development is awsome, overall the game could easily be considered THE best RPG in existance. The other''s an FPS. Mega-realistic graphics engine. The visuals are outright astounding. It isn''t any different from all other FPSes, as a matter of fact it''s pretty much a Doom clone. But the graphics are so outright eye-orgasmic that you can easily get lost in the game for hours without realizing you''re actually playing a game.
Which will sell most?
If you''ve answered "the masterpiece of an RPG", you''re living in a dream world.
If you''ve answered "the mega-realistic FPS with no originality or story", chances are you''re not only right, but that the RPG will probably only sell a few dozen copies while the FPS will easily sell in the millions.
Let''s face it. Today''s gamers are either veterans whom went with the flow of things or 13-year olds whom never saw sprites before. Their reactions will be "Dude, this looks old. Heh, I think I''ll save my money for that FPS instead.". Or in the case of the AOL-using Counterstrike-playing teen, "omfg wtf lololololol 2d wtf r tehy thinkeaing rooofles!!1111!!!!! no weay ill get teh FPS it R0X0rz!!!!11111 ^_______^" ;P
I wish we could go back, but there''s no stopping what we call "progress". Simple games don''t really sell anymore. Gamers are picky, very picky. It''s just not the same than before.
And sorry for the long rant. ^^;