environmental audio program
I have written an environmental audio program which is based upon the EAX engine of Creative. - The actual version 0.95 is an entrypoint,but I will elaborate this futher (for my personal needs, since I have been working in the field of experimental audio plays).
One of the application fields would be prostproduction, another (which I had in mind my doing that) audio support for games. If you want to download the demo:
the manual
Since everything is native DirectX I could build a dll interface t any game engine which has a properly defined SDK. Maybe there''s a need for that
there''s a new version which allows morphing of spaces.
http://www.superfluxus.de/MobileRooms099.zip [ca 3.1 MB]
http://www.superfluxus.de/MobileRooms099.zip [ca 3.1 MB]
here's version 1.2
and here you find infos and download link (7.4 MB)
[edited by - MB on November 16, 2002 8:29:56 PM]
and here you find infos and download link (7.4 MB)
[edited by - MB on November 16, 2002 8:29:56 PM]
I guess you allude to my artistic work. - There's not much availabe in the net (because of copyright reasons). There is a CD in the Kadmos Verlag ("Die Offenbarung des Daniel Paul Schreber") and I guess Johannes Schmoelling from Tangerine Dream who was my collaborator for a while has a few sample files on his site.
[edited by - MB on November 18, 2002 6:52:45 PM]
[edited by - MB on November 18, 2002 8:12:28 PM]
[edited by - MB on November 18, 2002 6:52:45 PM]
[edited by - MB on November 18, 2002 8:12:28 PM]
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