

Started by October 13, 2002 02:24 PM
3 comments, last by PmanC 22 years, 4 months ago
hey... does anyone here know of a free 3D modeler other than Milkshape that can export verticies and texture coords in a text file? -PmanC
Try the one I made

(It may not have all features but it does what I need it to do ... and if somethings missing just ask - I''ll try to add it)

Anyway, it''s at (doodles 2k2)

Hope this helps.

Luigi Pino
The 23rd Dimension
Blender just went gpl (october 13)
Blender? yeah right if you can model a cube with it in the first hour.
It certainly isn''t free, but I say ZBRUSH! You can use it to make models, make textures, or paint textures directly onto models. It is by far the best modeler I have ever used. Check out and look at the bottom of the page and at the gallery.

Alex Broadwin
A-Tronic Software & Design
"if you fail in life, you were destined to fail. If you suceed in life, call me."
"The answer is out there."
"Please help, I''m using Windows!"
Alex BroadwinA-Tronic Software & Design-----"if you fail in life, you were destined to fail. If you suceed in life, call me.""The answer is out there.""Please help, I'm using Windows!"

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