
Reversing the roles

Started by September 13, 2002 01:18 PM
1 comment, last by Korvan 22 years, 3 months ago
In traditional RPG''s, the player''s character has a goal(s) and interacts with various computer controlled characters that either help or hinder the player''s character in his pursuit of said goal(s). I think it would be interesting to reverse the roles of the player and the computer so that the computer would control the hero and the player controls each of the NPCs (even though the NPCs would kinda be PCs now, I''ll still refer to them as NPCs). For example, say the hero needs to raise some gold to purchase a ticket on a ferry to a mysterious island. The player could have some rich benefactor give the hero the money, or in the role of a greedy merchant, get the hero to sell his heirloom sword. He could let the hero know about bounties on orc ears, or let slip the guards schedule at the bank. The attitude and abilites of the hero will be molded over time depending on how the player interacts with him. If the player constantly tries to screw over the hero, he''ll soon develop a cynical outlook. Tempt the hero with ill-gotten gains once too often and watch him turn to the dark side. It''s kinda like fantasy gaming meets the Sims, only the player''s control over the hero is limited to interactions with NPCs.
Well, Interesting idea, though I think it would get very boring after a while.
I saw the post and an image of Wacky Race(r)s came to mind.
Like in all cartoons where some characters race a villain, the villain is able to get ahead and set a trap which inevitably fails. Forget the racing part(unless you''re making a racing game) and I think we''ve got a good framework going. I think the Lord of the Rings Collectible Card Game from Wizards of the Coast had a bit like that. The point of the game was to lead your party and complete the quest(destroy the One Ring). I believe that at least one player had the goal of stopping the party''s quest. That would be an interesting game I think, to not see the party through, but to place obstacles enough so that they do not succeed.

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