
Virtual GDC

Started by April 09, 2000 01:34 AM
62 comments, last by max621 24 years, 4 months ago
Ok, I''ve got someone making the webpage, we have a 3d engine we can use, we have a very small community, we have someone with web servers. Now the last 3 parts: Content, Advertising, and Communication. For content, I don''t know many people who would speak. I only know of one so far who said he might. It''d be nice to get a speaker from OpenAL and OpenML to talk about how they''re headed with the standards. Also CrystalSpace would be intresting speaker(s). For communication, its IRC as my #1 choice. ICQ doesn''t really like many connections, often people don''t see each other. IRC is much better because we can have many rooms, and they an be moderated and such...
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
Hi! Maybe we should just start e-mailing people to get speakers.. Ask them if they''d like to speak. Or maybe we could post a message in the Help Wanted forum here at

Did anyone get anyone to do a tut. or speech at the VGDC yet? Currently I''ve been doing nothing on the VGDC, beachmover (ICQ 4132727) has told me that some friend of his is going to be doing the webpage.
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
im willing to speak about AI and/or physics in games, if u want mail me.

why not try to do a 24/3 (weekend ) thingy ? it would be cool so ppl around the world wouldnt have to spend the nights in front of the puter.

for speeches irc would be the best,

something like

#VGDCAI&Advanced (physics, scripting etc)
#VGDCDirectX&OpenGL (and others course)

and have schedules for speeches (half hour or one hour) on different topic in the rooms dedicated to them ?

It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
Actually I''ve been playing with a similar idea for quite some time. Mine was actually holding a Demo Party online, but I guess its the same concept anyway.

I''m willing to execute the whole thing on and I''m sure kurt from flipcode would be happy to join in. Mi ICQ is 1576125 but most of the week I''m in uni so you better get me at

I believe using a plain web interface is the best, PHP and Perl (or ASP) could do the more complex parts of uploading entries, downloading entries, voting and stuff like that. I''de reccomand Odigo ( for interacting since it also acts as ICQ qith icq users and with other odigo users - well, it''s just great.

Let me know what''s happening...

Ohad Barzilay, aka Civax / CFXweb,
Ohad Barzilay, aka Civax / CFXweb,
Sorry for butting in on your thread like this, but I think you should go with the plain web view, no Java, VRML or anything like that. For the visitor<->developer interaction, I think each booth should have its own IRC chat room where you could talk to the developers (if they''re there). There are Java IRC clients so the chat rooms can be intergrated into the web browser.

I''d really like to help out on this project but I don''t know what I can do to help Have you guys agreed on how this thing should be done? Plain web view, tile-based Java game, 3D, something else? You should choose this first. I vote for plain web view

You should also set some standards. If you''re going to do a tilebased "game" Java, then you choose what libraries to use. If you''re going to do the plan web view, then choose the scripting languages you''re going to use (and so on).

Get a server (you''ll probably need more than one ). Choose how much space each developer should get. I suggest that this is variable. For example, if developer A already has space (at another server), he could put up a demo of his game at his own server (to save space on your server). If developer B doesn''t have space, you could let him upload his game to your server. This is also good because it''ll take some of the load off of your server.

Then you need people to take care of stuff. You''ll probably need these people:

1. Organizer (you''ll probably need more than one)
2. Content guy/girl
3. PR person
4. Web designer(s)
5. Lead programmer
6. Lead gfx artist
7. Programmers
8. Gfx artists
9. People to run contests
10. Moderators for the chat rooms (very important!)

Civax: Does you server support CGI scripts? ASP? How much space are you willing to let the VGDC have?

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
At this current moment I-Tech Software (UK) are donating the use of 5 servers for the VGDC, we are also organising the web site. More information will be made available on 10th May on the VGDC official site, which will probably be
I-Tech are currently the main official sponsor, and will be hoping to help make the VGDC a reality soon.
If anyone wants to contribute towards the VGDC please contact Max621 ( or myself (

David Athay
Lead Producer of I-Tech Software (UK) Ltd and Supersonic Software (UK)
Okay, cool!

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I''d also like to mention that AmaDev ( is another sponsor as of now. =)
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
Hey that sounds great! So, the thing is going on actually. Great! Can I help with the HTML / CGI stuff? So, what''s the plan, are we going to use 3D stuff or is it going to be plain HTML stuff?


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